Scandinavian cargotrain

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A cargotrain pulled by a NSB Di 6 locomotive.
The locomotive and the first carriage with the ASG containers come from Train Fever Nordic DLC and can be used thanks to Merk's useful mod.

Kommentare 2

  • I take the separate files I want to use, but don't put it in the modfolder, it might not work.
    My way is to copy each file from the DLC res folder and then paste it in the res folder in Transport Fever.
    It is important to use the same folder structure, otherwise the game will crash if You attempt to use the models.
    I haven't managed to get all the models to work, but most work if You copy and paste all the necessary files.

  • Do you take out files from the Nordic DLC or do you just put the whole thing in the mods folder? I can't get it to work

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