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Steam Discussion. No freight train has ever visited these towns yet beriut is get freight delivered and it has a line usage of 87%! You basically need to cheat to get above 80% line usage. Tripoli, down the same line also has not had a freight train yet, and it shows the expected 64% line usage. Werid

Kommentare 3

  • The line usage is nothing special. I have for example a much bigger city with 86% and a 75% average over all cities. I would rather know how it's possible to have freight delivered without delivery. Could it be, that the city has grown somewhere else, where freight is delivered or traded?

    • That's it. I have another photo in my gallery for reference.

      Basically when the RR came to town in Beirut it wiped out most of the com section of town. But due to map modifications there was nowhere reasonable for game to put a new commercial section. So it started building around that quarry in the valley. When I deleted that quarry, and its isolated buildings (quarry is there just for reference.) the game moved Beirut's Commercial district to the next available space which would be at the time be in Damascus.
      The section that would be bulldozed is in Beirut's main Commercial district.

  • :O 87%

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