Green Cargo Containertrain

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A intermodal train pulled by a Swedish Green Cargo Rc4 is arriving at the cargoterminal.

Kommentare 6

  • where do you download the Green Cargo RC4?

    • You can't download it as it has not been published either here or in the Steam Workshop that I know.

      If You contact the member AntonTorstensson who created the models he might be able to help You.

      Gefällt mir 1
    • ok👍🏻😊

  • Woher hast du diese Containerwagen? :)

    • Although I can read German my knowledge of German grammar is less than desirable, so I answer in English: The ASG and Maersk containerwagons come from the Train Fever Nordic DLC.
      The Railion and DPD waggons I tried to localize before posting the image, but I could not find them on Steam where I believe I found them, but I didn't find them in the download area on TPF.Net either.

    • Oh i didnt know, that the Train Fever Nordic DLCs includes new waggons.
      The other waggons i know :D

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