Flughäfen und Massstab

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Vergleich Vanillaflughafen zu einem kleineren Flughafen auf Karte im Massstab 1:1. (Flughafen Basel erstellt mit Flugzeugstrassen-Mod aus Workshop).

Bitte Urban Games, macht Flughäfen realistischer ;)

Kommentare 8

  • Dumb question, but wear did you get the hangers from to put on your taxiways?

    • They come from transportfever net:

      Flughafen Gebäude - Transport Fever Community

      The taxiways however I think I have to remove them and look for another solution. This mod forces CTD sometimes when laying roads just nearby, and (as in mod description) when trying to make an intersection road/taxiway.

    • That's the thing that I don't like about the taxiway. But for the look it isn't bad. I just use a transparent road that doesn't touch the run/taxiway and paint it a concrete color. There may be a work around for this, but I haven't dived into comparing the road and taxiway as far as coding goes yet. Thanks for the buildings info.

    • I hope I found out now what is causing CTD on taxiway mod. I deleted two lines in the .lua files who refer to aircraft only as allowed vehicles. At least no more CTD in the last hours.

    • If that fixes it, I will try the same. Without a hangar that attaches to it to spawn from, I honestly don't see the point in having airplane only roads. Service vehicles do use the taxiways to move about in real life, and I have seen at least one runway that is dissected by a railroad(video on YouTube somewhere). Hmmm, that could make an interesting card.

    • I would try that first in a new map as I did, not in an important savegame with many hours of work.

      Gefällt mir 1
  • Danke, Du sprichst mir aus dem Herzen!!!

    Es ist so viel Platz auf den Maps, es gibt so tolle, top-realistische Modelle, das gesamte Spiel ist optisch auf großen Realismus ausgelegt - es gibt m.E. schlicht keinen Grund für diese Konstrukte, die mit einem Flughafen nicht viel gemeinsam haben.

    Gefällt mir 1
    • Mir würde es auch reichen, wenn wenigstens die Runways variabel lang sein könnten.

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