Moddeling but no code... need some help

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  • Hi

    I'm good with 3ds max. Today, I tried to convert 3dsmax with blender (and re-tried blender X( ), tried to understand coding for the game, but... no. I'm ok to do 3d models, but only with .m3dsax (sorry, I hate blender : shame:)is anybody help me ? I've got some project, ( a station, a special station - a "end of the map station" ; and maybe some things. Is anybody to collaborate ? I'm ok for design.

    Thanx a lot before you answer

    >let's this game be a good game

    Edit by Yoshi: Removed a lot of !'s and clarified the heading. Be aware of the forum rules!

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Yoshi ()

  • @Zargom hä, welches Programm?

    @Dgidge well, since I'm already here...
    Scripting a station is not easy but there are two things you can do:
    Either start with some simple assets to get a handle on TPFs file structure (tutorials can be found in the Lexicon area) and work your way up to scripting stations by reverse engineering existing ones.
    Ooooor you can post some screenshots of your station and perhaps some of our resident scripters will be inclined to help you out ;) (but not me, can't script stations to save my life).

    Lg, YstlDystl

  • sorry, I hate blender

    I feel the same way.
    I use 3ds max too, sometimes it is not possible to get an object from max trouble-free to Blender. For example, Blender handles smoothing differently than max, etc.
    For railway stations, etc., I can't help you much. I am more the vehicle man ;)

    In any case it is possible to bring something like this into the game, even without Blender.
    To convert your .obj files to .msh you can use the Train Fever Converter (BR146) works also for TpF

  • Yep.. Thank's for your answers !

    I'll work with 3ds max and post my result on the right place in 2 or 3 weeks. If somebody is interested, I'll collaborate, or I will learn how to code (please no !).

    and, moderators ( Yoshi), sorry... I'll be more calm for my next posts :) Und

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Dgidge () aus folgendem Grund: Und : I vershtehe deutcch (Ich bin swisss fränzosicher man), aber ich Kannt nicht sehr gu tsprecher (au deutch)
