Door animation help! (Solved)

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  • That are the IDs of the meshes you want to animate. The game throws different events wich you can use to trigger animations. If a train stops in a station with the platform to its left, the game will throw the event open_doors_left. All passengers will leave and then the next will enter and then the event close_doors_left comes. So your door has the ID 2, then you call it with [2]. With name you access a specified animation of that mesh.

    Hmm... You can use Antons ID Counter Tool, wich is a great help: TF ID Counter

    Open your mdl with it and have a look, which mesh has ID 2 or 5. Then open that .msh file and have a look at the start of the file. There should be an animations block. Im pretty sure, you will find animations named open1 or open2 ;)

    The forward parameter lets you declare if the animation is played forward or backward. Lets have the simple door-animation closed = rotation 0°, open = rotation 90°. You dont need to define a closing animation, you simply call the open-animation again, with forward = false - thats it. Sometimes you need explizit closing animations, but in most and simple cases open backwards is enough.

    Hope that helps you a bit to understand this. Feel free to ask again :)

  • Exactly :) You know what an array is? See the Meshes as a list/array and you gain access to its members via array[id] ;) The same here. Only difference is, that you start at 1 instead of 0. Well, its not completely correct. 0 is the calling file itself. So lets say you have a group. That group can have an animation-block too. Also it can react to events. So you say event open [0] = open1 and so on, then you access the groups animation block. You can use my railway gate as example - or any bus with a ... hinge? >< The AG300 or AGG300 or any other.

  • A small correction: You don't have to use the ID-Counter in that case, you can just use the index inside the children list (starting at 1 as alreay mentioned). If you want to animate a mesh inside a group, you have to call an event of that group, which then calls the animation of the mesh.

  • Thanks for the explaining, I am not sure I fully understand the last bit but I guess you mean the animation-block could do something like a Ferris wheel. I can do a rotate animation for the whole group and also rotate each car inside that group, right?

  • Right.

    You can animate a group consisting of various meshes/groups, basically treating the group as one single part animation-wise. All the included parts can then receive their own individual animations which they will show while being dragged along by the animated group.

    This takes a structured approach though.

    1. Declare the required animations in the .grp and all included meshes/subgroups.

    2. In the .grp, call up all the animations to the meshes/subgroups, adressing them by their sequence number. Also call up the group animation; this requires a recursion to the file itself. The sequence number of a file is 0. I´ll add a code example later to make it clearer.

    3. Have the .grps animation called from the .mdl file. Take care to properly name the animations - misnaming them is an easily made error and will cause the game and the model viewer to crash without any comment.

    This is a fairly simple .grp file that animates the inner main gear doors on my Boeing 707. These doors consist of 2 parts and fold in the middle when opening.

    Lines 1 to 30 define the animation that is applied to the entire group and name it "HF_Tuer_1".

    The animations are called up starting in line 46. In the mdl, a call for an animation named "close_wheels" is sent to the .grp. This animation is then defined in lines 47 to 56. [0], as already mentioned, calls back to the .grp file itself and the animation defined earlier. Part number 1 would be the inner gear door that is simply moving with the group and holds no animation of its own, so it needs not be called up here. Part number 2 is the outer gear door that folds during the groups movement, so it has an animation defined in its .msh file that is called up from here.

    "Open_wheels" simply calls for the same animations, but played backwards during gear extension. This is achieved by the line "forward=false", causing the animation to start at the end.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von DH-106 ()
