Information about attachments and externally hosted files

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


Die Registrierung und Nutzung ist selbstverständlich kostenlos.


Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • Last modification: 27.09.2018

    Here in the community you want to use pictures and files again and again. But how and where should they be stored so that they can be accessed?


    You can upload your own pictures and files as attachments in the forum, own pictures also in the gallery (screenshots, real photos, no bugs/errors/problems). Third-party images and files may be linked with[url]...[/url]

    Third-party images and files may not be uploaded. Images from external sources must not be embedded with[img]...[/img]

    Image files
    Images can be used for many different things. This includes e.g.

    • Screenshots of the built maps
    • Screenshots to describe problems and bugs
    • Pictures of current modding projects
    • Texture Tests
    • Photographs from the real world

    There are three ways to use pictures in the forum. You can upload your own pictures

    • to the gallery. The gallery is a place for beautiful pictures of your TF/TPF worlds and photographs of the real world. You can find all information about the gallery here: Information about the gallery area
    • as file attachment. In forum posts you have the possibility to upload attachments. Below the text input field there is a buttonfile attachments. In addition to files, images up to a certain size can also be uploaded there.

    Third-party images may not be uploaded! For third party images there is only one way you can

    • link them. Just enter a link with[url]...[/url] to the image file in the text. Embedding with[img]...[/img] from external sources is prohibited!

    File Attachments
    Files can also be uploaded directly to the forum. Modifications (Mods) and modding materials, which should be permanently available, belong in the Webdisk. Other files, such as stdout.txt for error analysis, should be attached directly to the relevant posts.

    We want to offer here a long-lived, as advertising-free as possible possibility of exchanging information about the games. To ensure this, we offer you the possibility to upload the files and pictures directly here on This has three major advantages over external hosting:

    • Longevity: As long as there is the community on, there are also the pictures. Many image hosters delete images after a certain time. This leaves permanent gaps in many forums.
    • Free of advertising: Many file hosters overlook their pages with aggressive advertising. Sometimes it is not even clear where the download button is. Downloads are listed here in a clear, concise and uniform manner.
    • Security: To protect our community and the server, we remove files that could potentially cause damage. We cannot guarantee the harmlessness of external hosters.