Velvet have been caught stealing again

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  • Velvet (previously VelvetMafia) have been caught stealing 3d models again. This time he didn't get as far as releasing it on Steam or anywhere else as I know.

    There is a video of a HST, which appears to come from a website that has a lot of ripped game models from TrainSimulator. The ripped model is property of Dovetail Games. Even if the model is available, it's not OK to download and publish. Especially not as "his own".
    The video creator was given the mod for the video production and is not affiliated with the creation of the mod or stealing the model as far as we know.

    killakanz and others have discussed and pointed out several details that are too similar to have any doubt he in fact used the model he found. It even goes as deep as specific details and faults in the texture, and smoothing angles of certain parts of the mesh.
    After details have been revealed, he fled from the discord server and blocked the video creator. Clearly guilty since he's not sticking around to prove he's not.

    So for what it's worth; take care of any mods you've subscribed to on Steam from Velvet in case they disappear an ruin your savegames.

    After the previous round he apologized, said he had learned his lesson and wouldn't do it again. Fast forward a few months: repeat.

    We're all gutted and disappointed. ||

  • @OlaHaldor wie finde ich denn auf Steam heraus, ob ich Mods von Velvet abboniert habe? eine direkte Suche nach "velvet" im Workshop ergibt natürlich nichts und unter der User Suche von Steam findet er tausende... Hast du irgendetwas, was die Suche einschränkt?

  • @ Olha Haldor how do I find out on Steam, if I have subscribed mods from Velvet? a direct search for "velvet" in the workshop, of course, nothing and under the user search of Steam, he finds thousands ... Do you have anything that limits the search?…rkshopfiles/?appid=446800
    That is his workshop for Transport Fever.

    @ 'Macongo'
    It was never published, because we caught him in the act before it got to the point.
    The guy who made the videos for him have said there were other mods in the making, which when he inspected the original content compared to the mods he was given to make videos of, is a complete rip of Train Simulator and other third party creators.

    There's no telling if Velvet will remove all the other mods he in fact got approval to do from the original content creator. IF he does, it'll probably ruin a few people's savegames. Better safe than sorry.

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  • Schade. Da bin ich etwas zu spät, um noch seine Modelle herunterzuladen. Es gibt alle im obigen Video gezeigten Mods nicht mehr bei Steam. Sehr ärgerlich, denn es waren schöne Modelle (ob nun eigene Arbeit oder nicht).

    Xubuntu 18.04 64bit – MSI Z170A GAMING PRO Carbon – Intel Core i7-6700K – ZOTAC GeForce GTX 970 OC (Treiber 384.90) – 40GB DDR4 RAM Transport Fever Build 15434

  • Deutsch

    Bin ich froh, dass ich seit dem noch nicht wieder auf Steam online war, erst mal den Workshop Mods Ordner sichern ^^ danke für die Info

    Meine Projekte und ausführliche Modding-Berichte hier im Forum:

    Feluno bastelt

  • hmm, also ich sehe noch alle Modelle von Velvetmafia bei Steam.
    Gut, britische Eisenbahn interessiert mich jetzt nicht besonders. Und was die Modelle betrifft... schön ist was anderes, wäre jetzt ehrlich gesagt kein großer Verlust wenn die weg sind.

    Da nutze ich doch gleichmal die Gelegenheit die schöne und detaillierte Qualitätsarbeit der deutschen, österreichischen und schweizer Modder hier im Forum und auf Steam zu loben ... kein Vergleich zu dem Bauklotzstil von velvetmafia :D
