British Style Island Platform Station

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  • Hi guys,

    I suppose this is as much a feasibility study as a request. I was wondering if it would be possible for there to be a station model where the platforms and tracks are kind of 'inverted'. Say if you had two tracks and a platform either side, would it be possible to make it so that those platforms were both in the middle, forming a wider platform with the tracks on the outside, forming what they call an 'island platform'. With more tracks added to add as loops or sidings, they simply expand outward from the tracks either side of the central platform.

    I would love for there to be a small building on the platform such as the smallest version of the 'orange brick British style station'

    As for pedestrian access, I guess a footbridge could be used, but ideally It'd be awesome if it there were a couple of options such as:
    1) hooked onto a road bridge over top, so the pedestrians would access the station via an entrance on the bridge, down a flight of stairs and onto the platform.
    2) a road connection underneath the station. with there being a subway on the platforms that takes the pedestrians down onto a road below the track level via a brick arch or something similar.

    My main inspiration is the style of stations used by the 'Great Central Railway'. I think they'd bring something really quite different to the game.

    I'll attach some rough illustrations to show what I mean.

    Example of how the access below road level could look:…/album-72157687941513193/…/album-72157687941513193/

    There are also some questions I have about connecting multiple station models to form a larger station but I'll leave those until another day.

    Let me know what you think!


  • Had a quick play around with a model (a friend made the basic and I edited it where it needs to be). Unwrapping it and making materials isn't an issue, and I could do the different LOD's, but I've no idea about how to start implementing it into the game, setting up where the rails go, adding road connections, assigning where passengers stand etc.

    Is it as hard as it seems?

    Let me know your thoughts on whether this would work in-game.


  • I think the only "hard" part is the connection for pedestriants at the bridge... The rest can be done more or less easily. At first, you can try to put the model ingame as an asset. Maybe it's useful to split it in different parts (platform end, platform mid, ...) and assets (building, roof, ...). Then they can be reused for other combinations later.

  • I'll have to look up how to do that. There are assets I'd like to make too such as modular station roofs, as well as making stations without platform canopies so that these can be applied better.

    The model above is broken down into a few parts; platform (though I was thinking of splitting this up into smaller parts), the two separate buildings, two lamp posts, 5 sections of the roof, and the stairway up to road level. I figured I could unwrap them much easier as separate pieces and then attach them after, though I'm not sure of how this works within TPF. I was looking to import an existing station model and work around that and attempt to edit code and stuff where I needed to, but that seems like a challenge also.

    My eventual dream would be to have different options for the station construction. Options for more than one island, multiple story buildings, overall roofs, access from either road level, below rail level or from a footbridge that leads to a road level station building or building at same as track level. That would be a nightmare to configure though I fear...

    The most annoying thing I have encountered with assets so far is that none seem to be able to applied to station track. The only work around I have found is to build the track, snap assets to it, delete the track and then build the station to the same alignment. Is there a way to snap assets to stations?

    Shall see about importing it into TPF first as an asset rather than a functional station and go from there as you say.

    Thanks for your reply! :)
