Gresley A3 & A4 Steam locomotives without nameplate and numbers?

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  • Hi guys,

    I wanted to ask if this was already an existing mod, or whether it'd be easy to do if not.

    I love the British Gresley A3 & A4 loco models in the game, but I number my engines accordingly. So if I had an engine that was numbered '60163' (the Tornado's assumed British Rail number), and named it 'Tornado', but the engine still has '4472' and 'Flying Highlander' on the model, it just takes away from the immersiveness in a way, as petty as it sounds. I'd much rather have 'blank slates' that don't have numbers or names. The A4 'Mallard' doesn't have numbers if I recall, but it does have a name plate. I might want to give my A4s multiple names (and I know there are A4 name variations), but I wanted to know if there is a mod where all of these are removed.

    Thanks in advance! :D

  • Hi

    Removing the numbers and names is a very easy task.
    You could do it easily without any modding knowledge.
    But making it so that the engine shows the number you add ingame is not modable.

    Have a nice day

  • Hi!

    Yeah making a 'live text' mod for engine numbers and names, although an absolute dream, I know would be near impossible to pull off. I'm perfectly happy with them not having names and numbers at all. I might look into removing them if it's as easy as you say.

