Assertion `endNode.ports[endPortId.port].transitions.count() <= 1' failed

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  • In creating my latest industry mod I have a complex setup (24 terminals in one construction) and every now and then I run into a fatal crash with the error message:


    src\game\ecs\railroadcrossingsystem.cpp:48: class ecs::Entity __cdecl `anonymous-namespace'::GetNextEdgeEntity(const class ecs::Engine *,const struct transport::PortId &): Assertion `endNode.ports[endPortId.port].transitions.count() <= 1' failed.

    After some experimenting I've discovered it's triggered when a train is going to cross the road in the centre of my industry, where one road crosses 5 tracks:
    If I restrict trains to terminals only on one side of the road then no problem. Also if I remove the road (and leave everything else identical) then the trains can work fine at all terminals. But when the road is there and the train even thinks about crossing it the error is triggered every time.

    But I can't figure out what I've done wrong, or how to prevent this error from happening.
    Any suggestions, please?

    edit1: I'm now suspecting that the top crossing is too close to the road. If I remove that track, the problem goes away:

    edit2: If I remove the road between the 1st and 2nd tracks to make it into two separate crossings the problem also goes away:
