Creating and using an blocked Area for Constructions

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  • Hello Modding Collegues,

    I've got a small Problem. For one of my new WIP-Mods i need a way to "block" an area. As all the positioning is totaly random i need to block the Area of an object, so the next object can't be build there. I tried to figure a way out to do this, but it seem to do not work. I've created some functions:

    The Table for Blocked Areas looks like this.

    Blocked_Areas = {}

    Every single Area is added with this.

    Blocked_Area[#Blocked_Area +1] = {low Y Pos, high Y Pos, low X Pos, high X Pos }

    1. check if the blocked Area is free

    2. create an block from Center

    function RPGFabi_Gardencalculation.createblock(X_Pos, Y_Pos, Width_X, Width_Y, safety_width)
    			local Table = {	
    				Y_Pos - Width_Y/2 - safety_width,
    				Y_Pos + Width_Y/2 + safety_width,
    				X_Pos - Width_X/2 - safety_width,
    				X_Pos + Width_X/2 + safety_width

    Width is the Distance from the first end of the object to the last end of the object
    safety width is the extra distance where nothing can be placed.

    3. show blocked Areas
    Place an Object at the side of every Block

    4. Create the m and b variable of an straight line out of 4 coordinates

    function RPGFabi_Gardencalculation.getLine(Einfahrt_Y, Einfahrt_X, Haus_Y, Haus_X)
    				local m = (Einfahrt_Y - Haus_Y) / (Einfahrt_X - Haus_X)			-- Steigung
    				local b = Einfahrt_X - (m * Einfahrt_Y)							-- Offset
    				local Table_Line = { m, b }
    			return Table_Line

    5. Use the Lines (2 create an groundface) to create an blocked Area. This should use small slices of the Area to create better blocked Areas


    It doesn't show me the blocks correct. As I don't know if they are created correct or not, which I need to check soon, I thought Hey maybe someone else got an easier way.

    Can someone help with the creation and use of an blocked Area Table?

    The Beginning would be the Table groundfaces use:

    Warum einfach, wenn es auch schwer geht?

  • I've got it :D

    Now i Have a Script that can block an given Area (with 4 Points), block an Area from Center, check if an Position is free, show blocked and show not blocked Areas.

    Of course the last 2 functions are only for development if everything works.

    Right now I'm thinking about Creating an own Mod (Script, Model & Texture) with it so every Modder can just require this Mod to get this functions done.

    What do you think about it?

    This is how it looks like if you are in Testing mode.

    Else it is invisible

    Warum einfach, wenn es auch schwer geht?
