Track Rules and CommonAPI Stations

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  • Hi,

    I am experimenting with adding extra track rules based on CCJohnson's own track rules. Adding the exrta rules is very easy and I have built a personal mod in my /mods folder that works 100% and I can build with the track types I have added for normal track laying okay.

    The problem I have is that none of the new track types in my mod show for the CommonAPI enabled stations I have in the game when I add my mod to an existing savegame (savegame already has CCJohnson's mod). Is there an easy way to make this work that I have overlooked?

    I should add I am using the commonAPI from the Steam Workshop.

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von MDBenson ()

  • Okay. so I have made some progress, and I think I understand why this is not working. My personal Mod (in the screenshots called MDB_ExtraTrackRules) is not recognised as a TpF mod by TpF. It says the format is deprecated which usually means it'sa Train Fever mod I think? BUT It still loads amnd CommonAPI recognises the track types. As seen below:

    So I added the track configs into the correct folder in CC Johnson's mod and all my customn track rules work okay, although the descriptions are a little messed up for some of them.

    I am sure therefor that my mod being in an invalid format is the problem but I added a mod.lua and an image_00.tga to the root folder of the mod and it refuses to recognise it still.

    My mod.lua:

    -edit- Removed external images, please read the forum rules. (eis_os)

  • You have to send me the whole mod (including folder name) as zip via pm.

    The Menu entry represents the games internal state, the commonapi api for station parameters works without the native part. So these are to different parts. Maybe disable ui compression via Menu -> Settings -> More and see what happens. (Restart of game required)

    Note: as I only uploaded CommonAPI with native features today, could it be possible you have two versions installed?

    Please use the message attach/upload functionality for showing screenshots on the forum. (see forum rules)

  • Could you please rename your mod folder from MDB_ExtraTrackRules to MDB_ExtraTrackRules_1

    Transport Fever Mods always need be named: <id>_<version>.


    I can load your mod fine (with attached major version) and I can see your tracks in the station window...
