AVro RJ-100 / BAe 146 repaint BRA

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  • I would like to have a Swedish version of DH-106s BAe 146-RJ 100 model if possible.
    The Swedish Airline B.R.A. currently operates 13 RJ-100s mainly on domestic routes throughout Sweden, but also on seasonal charters and is a common sight as they almost touches the roof of the building where I work on their decent to Stockholm Bromma Airport.
    This was one of the main reasons for downloading the BAe146/RJ-100 from TpF, but it would of course be even better to have it in a Swedish version as well.

    A side drawing from BRAs website can be used to get an idea of the design
    A view from the right hand side can be found on the Airplane pictures website
    Airplane Pictures also has a picture of the belly of the aircraft.

    I suppose You don't need the measurements as it is just a repaint request, so You can use the model that already exists.
