[Fahrzeug] 231 NORD Chapelon / PO 3700

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  • Hi folks,

    Ich kann diesen Post wenn nötig auf deutsch übersetzen.
    Si c'est nécessaire, je pouvait traduire ce Post en francais.

    I am new in this community, so first of all I would like to thank everyone for the nice mods achieved in here, makes me love TPF :)
    Earlier call: https://www.transportfever.net…ghlight=Pacific#post13745

    Now my request: I look for someone who is able and motivated to create the title steam engine, the Paris-Orléans Pacific 3500 or its later 1934 modification, the NORD 231 E Chapelon (also called PO 3700). Unfortuantely I have no Idea of how modding works technically, however I would be happy to provide as much information as possible and donate as a contribution. If there is another way I could possibly help, also please let me know.

    Why? There are, in my opinion four major reasons, why I would love to see this engine in the game:
    1) There is a general lack of french steam engines in this game
    2) This locomotive has been the first Pacific type (231, 4-6-2 or 2'C'1 wheel arrangement) engine in Europe which was the dominating configuration for express locos later on, and can be regarded as a milestone
    3) This loco hauled several of the most prestigious and fastest trains of its time, like the Orient-Express, the Golden Arrow (Flèche d'or), Sud-Express, L'Oiseau Bleu and the Etoile du Nord.
    4) it has been, with one major modification in 1934, in service for 60 (!) years and is, in my opinion, one of the best euopean steam engines

    In the following I link the information and data I have so far:

    Pictures and General Information: To give you an idea, I can provide more picture, also close-ups, if necessary.

    http://www.antiqbrocdelatour.c…ive-Pacific-3500-1909.php (before modification)
    https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/PO_3700 (german); https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/…8_et_3.1111_%C3%A0_3.1130 (francais);
    http://lacavernedurail.com/pacific-chapelon-nord/ (Pictures of a exact scale model)
    https://www.bahnbilder.de/bild…am-11032016-dampflok.html (picture of the remaining original)


    price 4.00M (suggestion)
    running cost: 880k (suggestion)
    max. Speed: 130km/h
    Power: 2061 kW
    weight: 102+80 t=182t (full load: loco: 102t; tender 80t)
    traction: 135 kN
    length: 23.44 m


    price 3.00M (suggestion)
    running cost: 500k (suggestion)
    max. Speed: 120km/h
    Power: trying to find out (i think about 1200 kW)
    weight: 152 t (full load loco 102 t, tender 50t)
    traction: trying to find out
    length: 22.17 m

    drawings: What I found myself on the internet. I may ask around in the french railroad community, if this is not enough:

    http://thierry.stora.free.fr/pics/dw3700_1.gif (loco)

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://abload.de/img/dcoupage3kojvr.jpg]

    So if anyone at all is interested to help me in this please give me a response! I also welcome everyone to commend, add information or critize.

