NOB Question, What is the folder that I put my repaint into to make it work please?

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  • Hello all. New to Trains fever.
    I selected the PCC .DDS to repaint, I have done so in psp modded for DDS and saved it. ( I understand GIMP does the same much easier, true??) Please, What folder do I add this in order to see both the original and my mods now appear in game??
    Thank you in advance.

  • I am afraid it is not that easy.

    A model is basically a stack of parts (.msh) that may be grouped in a .grp file and then linked up in a .mdl. Each part bears a material (.mtl) that defines its texture among others.

    Now, if You just want to repaint a model, just replace the relevant .tga or .dds files with Your reworked variants. If, however, You want to use both Your repaint and the original model (or create multiple repaints), You will need to:

    - assign each of the files a new, unique name,
    - have the .grps and .mdl files refer to the new, changed filenames instead of the original ones,
    - assign each .msh a new material that carries Your new texture files.

    That way, You can obtain a separate model with a custom paintscheme.
