[TFGM] Train Fever Game Manager

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


Die Registrierung und Nutzung ist selbstverständlich kostenlos.


Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • Release - 1471

    * Added GamesaveManager
    * Added a TFGM sound folder
    * Added alarm function to timeline
    * Added timeline year synchronization
    * Added "settings lock" for mod configurations (on link update)

    * Change. Reduced some log data

    * Fix. Import count always showed 0.
    * Fix. Exception form crash if already open.
    * Fix. GOG root dir got "Train Fever\\" appended.
    * Fix. Memory leak when updating links.

    If you have set autosaves to every year, the timeline will be notified when the game year change.
    If the auto-sync button is enabled, the timeline will moved to the correct year on notification.
    On each item in the timeline there is an "alarm bell". Toggle it to activate/deactivate the alarm.
    The alarm goes off when the timeline reaches the item's start year. This can be good if you are waiting for a specific model to be available.

    Keeps track of savegame files and groups them together.
    Analyses TF log file to match autosaves with save games, store map seeds and game loads.
    Because TF don't flush the log file each time it is updated, TFGM isn't notified of updates until TF saves the log file. This may happen during game play, but to be sure, TF must exit before TFGM so the full log can be fetched and parsed.

    Please add comments and vote for new features on Trello.

    Localized tags can be downloaded from Train-Fever.net.

    If you have translated something, please share it with me :)

  • Release - 1483

    * Added a "Heightmap editor", more info below.
    * Added a warning message if link import didn't had an info.lua file
    * Added life% range colors in background of vehicle graph
    * Added more error handling when loading strings.lua
    * Added exception catch (silent) if log couldn't be written to file.
    * Started to implement a new bug tracking system to get more details about these exception errors.

    Heightmap editor
    The biggest news is the heightmap editor. This isn't really an "editor" per say, because you can't change anything in the heightmap data.
    There are are however some tools to prepare the map:

    * Scale map to one of the 3 correct sizes.
    * Remove any color and alpha information.
    * Point and click on the map where you want the water level. Range values are calculated.
    * Export heightmap, colored and water mask for processing in paint program.
    * Export your map as a complete Map Mod!

    Other useful functions:

    * Histogram with water level indicator.
    * Contour line at cursor with water level indicator.
    * Water % coverage and warning if more than 33%
    * Warning if heightmap isn't in the right format.

    When loading a heightmap it looks for the corresponding info.lua and presets the range, name and map seed.
    After exported as a map mod, do feel free to edit info.lua, strings.lua and image_00.tga
    If you have a Steam account, your profile is automatically added to the author section of info.lua.

    Please add comments and vote for new features on Trello.

    Localized tags can be downloaded from Train-Fever.net.

    If you have translated something, please share it with me :)

  • Release - 1492

    * Added Mod list export in CSV format
    * Added Mod home link to mod image if tfnetID is defined in info.lua
    * Added user tfnetID to Profile card (see preferences)
    * Added new standard tags:
    - Configuration
    - Config UI
    - Rock
    - Leisure
    - Tree

    * Fix. Config UI auto adjust column size to fit all text.
    * Fix. Missing Lua string translations showed a number instead of blank.
    * Fix. Mod ID generation guarantees that the author name is included.
    * Fix. USA tag was missing.

    The easiest way to add your TFNetID:
    1. Go to your profile page on transportfever.net
    2. Copy the URL
    3. In TFGM go to Tools->Preferences->Profile and click the "TF Net ID" Paste button.

    There is no point to send bug reports if you are using an older version of TFGM.
    Your issues have probably already been resolved. Update TFGM to fix it!

    Please add comments and vote for new features on Trello.

    Localized tags can be downloaded from Train-Fever.net.

    If you have translated something, please share it with me :)

  • Release - 1494
    * Added an export mod list dialog
    - Filter on All, Selected, Installed or Active
    * Added Mod list export in HTML format
    * Added Create mod bundle function
    - You must select minimum of two mods.
    - The mods must be present in the TFGM's library (registered).

    * Fix. missing tfnetId when creating map mods (add your tfnetID in the preferences->profile).
    * Fix. Some missing hint texts.
    * Fix. Crash when scanning mods and not all files could be copied.

    The easiest way to add your TFNetID:
    1. Go to your profile page on transportfever.net
    2. Copy the URL
    3. In TFGM go to Tools->Preferences->Profile and click the "TF Net ID" Paste button.

    There is no point to send bug reports if you are using an older version of TFGM.
    Your issues have probably already been resolved. Update TFGM to fix it!

    Please add comments and vote for new features on Trello.

    Localized tags can be downloaded from Train-Fever.net.

    If you have translated something, please share it with me :)

  • Release - 1500 - Minor fixes
    * Added. More debug info so we finally can nail down some annoying bugs (will be removed when the bug has been found)
    * Change. New Savegame manager UI.
    - Seed info
    - Start year
    - Map size info
    - Map type
    * Change. Moved tools related to mod development to its own menu "Development"
    * Fix. Some stability fixes.
    * Fix. More tolerance for faulty mod formats.
    * Fix. Steam client parser couldn't handle names including { and/or }

    The easiest way to add your TFNetID:
    1. Go to your profile page on transportfever.net
    2. Copy the URL
    3. In TFGM go to Tools->Preferences->Profile and click the "TF Net ID" Paste button.

    There is no point to send bug reports if you are using an older version of TFGM.
    Your issues have probably already been resolved. Update TFGM to fix it!

    Please add comments and vote for new features on Trello.

    Localized tags can be downloaded from Train-Fever.net.

    If you have translated something, please share it with me :)

  • Release - 1500 - Minor fixes
    Contains an updated TFGMLoader - 1501
    Fix. Crash in Savegame manager when a game had mods activated.
    Fix. TFGMLoader (TFGM auto updater) crash if archive contained corrupted files.
    Fix. A memory leak in the Map viewer.
    Fix. Crash when a mod parameter was an unexpected lua table.

    The easiest way to add your TFNetID:
    1. Go to your profile page on transportfever.net
    2. Copy the URL
    3. In TFGM go to Tools->Preferences->Profile and click the "TF Net ID" Paste button.

    There is no point to send bug reports if you are using an older version of TFGM.
    Your issues have probably already been resolved. Update TFGM to fix it!

    Please add comments and vote for new features on Trello.

    Localized tags can be downloaded from Train-Fever.net.

    If you have translated something, please share it with me :)

  • Release - 1503 - Minor fixes
    * Added Severity status to mod info page
    * Better Exception dump report formatting.
    * Document files (.txt .pdf .doc .html .htm .xml) are copied to the documents folder on mod install and are available from the mod's popup menu.
    * Fix Crash when download folder failed cleanup before TFGM update.
    * Fix Crash when a bundle had other files than .zip or .rar
    * Fix Bug where Error reports didn't rollback all the way.

    The easiest way to add your TFNetID:
    1. Go to your profile page on transportfever.net
    2. Copy the URL
    3. In TFGM go to Tools->Preferences->Profile and click the "TF Net ID" Paste button.

    There is no point to send bug reports if you are using an older version of TFGM.
    Your issues have probably already been resolved. Update TFGM to fix it!

    Please add comments and vote for new features on Trello.

    Localized tags can be downloaded from Train-Fever.net.

    If you have translated something, please share it with me :)
