Changing Locomotives/adding carriages

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  • Gentelmen,

    I recently faced very important issue within the game, how actually to change train vehicle without damaging supply chain (cargo lines). I've been searching all the known train fever communities for me and haven't found any suitable solution.

    The problem is that route to a depot takes some time, which makes supply factories wait (the issue is noticeable in the beginning of a game when locomotives are slow, especially if you have only one train on this line), after such a small brake factories tend to decrease production, and sometimes dramatically.

    Is there any way how to add new carriages for example, without affecting factories' production?

    Thanks in advance for replies

  • For a good understanding how to operate with cargo inside train fever, demand/times/position of Depots, I recommend that you read ...…argo-Mod-modified-Teil-1/

    This Tutorial is going further ahead as what you can do with the basic game, however it explains the Cargo-layout and requirements in general.

  • The important thing is: Always have at least one train assigned to the line you are about to change the running train.

    This may be as simple as adding a cheap locomotive (maybe plus one wagon) at a depot, assign it to the line, start it, and then immediately stop it. It won't interfere with normal operations there.

    After that you'd be able to change the other train that once was the only train on this line. After you changed it to your liking, you assign and start it again. After it is assigned and running, reverse that cheap train double, return it to the depot, and sell it (unless you used a fake train that doesn't incur running costs).

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  • The important thing is: Always have at least one train assigned to the line you are about to change the running train.

    This may be as simple as adding a cheap locomotive (maybe plus one wagon) at a depot, assign it to the line, start it, and then immediately stop it. It won't interfere with normal operations there.

    After that you'd be able to change the other train that once was the only train on this line. After you changed it to your liking, you assign and start it again. After it is assigned and running, reverse that cheap train double, return it to the depot, and sell it (unless you used a fake train that doesn't incur running costs).

    Sounds like a plan, but there's one problem in it, what if you have let's say a line which consists with two stations connected with only one rail, in this case assigning another train would make impossible to put on line another one, simply because two trains won't fit

  • Have two depots - in the easiest configuration have one at each end of the track behind the stations. Once the regular train arrives at one station, start the temporary replacement at the other depot. Retire the old train, and get a brand new at that depot back on the track. Reverse the temp. replacement and let it go back to it's depot.

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  • It can. If you click on the train, a small window pops up, showing a camera view centered on the vehicle. There you can stop the train, and when it stands still, can reverse the direction and start it again.

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