Pennsylvania Railroad N5C caboose

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  • It's a caboose, so that finally you can satisfy that 5-man crew requirement.

    Capacity: One brakeman and two trainmen.

    Running costs: about 2/3 of a locomotive, because you're paying those union-negotiated wages.


    Why should I use these? To provide the other three men who can't fit in the locomotive cab a place to stay.

    Why is the running cost so high? Ask the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen.

    What is the point of this? The FRA mandated five man crews on long-haul freights until the 1970s or 80s. If you don't provide the crew with decent accommodations, they'll probably strike, and you'll be out of compliance and fined. Capisce?

    Why is it so small? Cabeese were usually built for the smallest loading gauge applicable. Also I think the default goods wagons are way overscale, throwing it off further.

    Probably could release this tomorrow. Don't want to stay up too late tonight, got a job interview in the morning...

  • well the interview went well, if you're wondering...

    pretty sure this is "one-and-done"; unless anyone finds problems with the beta I'm throwing down in this post; I'm just gonna throw it on the filebase.

    of note is that this car rides on bettendorf trucks, which 90% of American freight cars used for sixty-odd years. You're free to steal them off this car if you're making American freight cars and don't feel inclined to model the boring parts like the bogies.


  • Photo looks great...but I tried installing using Mod Manager. It is listed as active with a category of wagon in MM.

    I can't find the caboose in game.

    Looked at all three eras to see if it was year-specific. What did I do wrong?

    And thanks for your efforts. Very cool.

  • @Heinekn I've installed it via TFGM and it work's fine. It's available from 1942 to 1984.

    Ich hab den Wagen mit TFGM installiert, er läuft ohne Probleme und ist von 1942 bis 1984 verfügbar, hab allerdings die Datei schon gestern gezogen als es noch unter Beta lief, keine Ahnung ob da ein Unterschied ist.

    Edit: Nope kein Unterschied ist die gleiche Datei.

  • Hey...

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    That was my problem. I installed TFGM...imported the TFMM data...and deleted TFMM.

    Now using only the TFGM and all is well...including your caboose.

    I have also noticed a few other mods I had installed with TFMM, which are now magically appearing now that I am using TFGM.

    I appreciate your help...and thanks again for your work.


  • Mods that are already installed and activated are nornally not changed when switching to another manager. Since I never had problems with any mod using TFMM I'm curious: did you use the newest version of TFMM and was the mod marked as active?

    FYI, with official modding support coming with the DLC this month, mods also have to be installed to a different directory and activation will be handled ingame.
