How to populate my rail yard

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  • I have made a rail yard and wish to add standing/stationary engines, rail cars, etc.

    Engines or rail cars on an end-of-line (with blocks), or siding would add a more life-like feel to the yard.

    I have use the deco mod which has an end-of-line section of track with a block, which is designated in the game as a "depot". I then "buy" an engine plus whatever from that "depot". I then assign it a line, and when it starts rolling out of the "depot" I stop it while it is still on that dead end spur. Now I have an engine standing on that spur. Mission accomplished.

    But, it still is not the appearance I would like to see, because this engine is still idling, even tho it is not moving. Also...that engine is now listed in my "Manage Lines" window. Which clutters up that window.

    Also...when you have setup many of those end-of-line pieces of track, with block, there is also a new details line in that "Manage Lines" window for that so-called "depot". So, if you have used 10 of those blocked track segments (each a depot), the "Manage Lines" window becomes VERY large, using up too much of my screen real estate. make a long story there a mod which allows me to "place" engines or rolling stock in my yard for aesthetics? It would be nice if there was something like the building mods which allows you to place various structures in the yard...but allowing you to place non-functioning engines or rolling stock.

    I have attached an image of part of my work-in-progress yard with a few idling engines, to illustrate how I kinda placed those engines. But...It needs some standing rolling stock and stuff, eh?

    Anyone? Anyone?

  • Someone was recently working on this, I'll look for the thread...

    EDIT: Found it: Deko Züge als Signale?
    It is possible, but currently not available. Dallas001 said he did not want to publish his attempts because they were based on mods not created by him.

    "Wenn größere Fußballspiele oder gar Weihnachtseinkäufe im KaDeWe als hochgradig riskant eingestuft werden, haben die Terroristen schon gewonnen, ohne einen einzigen Sprengstoffgürtel gezündet zu haben."

    Frank Jansen, Der Tagespiegel, Berlin, 15.11.15

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von RobbiZ ()
