"No Path Found" Out of Depot

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  • I setup my depot this way to allow multiple trains in/out of the yard. However as you can see the train in the depot will not take the tracks to the far left even though it is open. Any reason why this isn't working as expected.
    I added signals on all 4 ends of the depot tracks. Originally I only placed them on the outgoing side.

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5094802/tf1.png]

  • Have you checked which track Line 13 is using for leaving the depot to reach it's regular track? It will use the shortest way, and if that is the same track, where train 14 ist waiting right now, it will never leave the depot. You see the little window - both are telling you that the train is waiting for a free path, so i think that is the problem. The train is finding the path - but another train is using it.

    i7-5820 K | 32 GB | GTX 2070 Super 8 GB | Win 10 64bit | 10 TB HDDs
    i7-3770 K | 16 GB | GTX 1070 8 GB | Win 10 64bit | 4 TB HDDs

  • Both of the 2 left tracks go to Line 13 (and others), in fact both trains are for Line 13 as well.
    Is the game not able to tell one train to use the available track to bypass the other? I know that is the case for stations even if another platform is available.

  • No, it is not able to do so. Is the incoming train waiting at a signal (i can't see one, but im surfing on my tablet and the picture is little)? If yes, try to set it to one way, so the outgoing train might use the free track. Put a signal to the left side (right side of the track) at the free track only und set it to one way too....

    i7-5820 K | 32 GB | GTX 2070 Super 8 GB | Win 10 64bit | 10 TB HDDs
    i7-3770 K | 16 GB | GTX 1070 8 GB | Win 10 64bit | 4 TB HDDs
