[MOD] Timeless mod

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  • Hi I use your mod to slow the time. My vehicles appear 3 times as slow as normal. I made this work with follwing string:
    function getFromYear(year) if From == 0 then year = 0 end if From ~= Original then end return (year - 1850) * 3 + 1850 end
    It works fine for vehicles I can buy, but the cars driven by NPCs aren't changed, so in my year 1910 (which is technologically 1870 for me) people begin to drive witch cars where I have routes with horse carriages.
    I don't think that will work balancewise so I have to ask you if you can code me something to make NPC cars appear as slow as my vehicles.

    Thanks ;)
    Greets Hanzebenger

  • This should do the job ;)

  • Even with the inserted then statement (the one in red was missing) it doesn't work correctly: years from your vehicles are modified, but I encounter more and more cars 1910-1915. My situation: I overwrote the code of main.lua of Gwindas timeless mod and played on with the 1910 save game where cars started to appear.

    This should do the job ;)

  • Hmm they look old, should be the right ones.
    But I have a hot trap:
    The oldest car has starting year 0 which maybe is the reason it doesn't work. (Found in C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Train Fever\res\models\model\vehicle\car\ford_fordor_1934.mdl).
    I will change it to 1850 and give feedback.

    Edit: 1850 was nonsense,then cars would eb avaliable from the start. So I tested it with 1910. At month change the game crashes, I think that the reason is that it doesn't find a car to put the people in. I also tested it with a new game: At 1.1.1901 the game crashes, maybe that's the date where cars are avaliable.

    It looks like it is like you said: car using is coded somewhere else. My workaround now is to limit the old car's speed to 18 km/h. Maybe then they won't use it this often.
    But for testing purposes I will limit the speed to 1 km/h^^

    Edit2: I limited the car's speed to 3 km/h (topspeed). After two months ingame the cars recognized the change. Most people abandonned their car immediately. Two lonely souls traveled to their destination for five years and holded up my ultra fast horse carriages :D
    Since now walking is faster than driving this car, I don't see cars anywhere.
    I think this is a nice workaround.
    By the way: Gwindas mod makes the same changes like your code, BR146, at least for models. So I will continue to use Gwindas timeless mod (because I started my save game with it).

  • Hy Zusammen hab etz das problem das ich in Der Lua Console drin stehen habe no File und ich schon Ewig nix mehr mit Dos gemacht habe das spiel liegt bei mir auf I wie kann ich das nochmal schnell ändern das er das Findet :)

  • Hy Zusammen hab etz das problem das ich in Der Lua Console drin stehen habe no File und ich schon Ewig nix mehr mit Dos gemacht habe das spiel liegt bei mir auf I wie kann ich das nochmal schnell ändern das er das Findet :)

    I'm not quite sure of what you wrote, only that there is some problem with the Lua console. The latest timeless mod doesn't need the Lua console, use the latest TFGM to install it. No Lua console is needed (for Windows).

  • I'm not quite sure of what you wrote,

    Thats definately not your fault. I even don't understand it. :S
    Maybe he should take some more time to write his postings ...

    @Daniel68111 Dein Satzbau sowie dein Rechtschreibung sind einfach zu schlecht. Bitte gibt dir mehr Mühe, daß erleichtert uns allen deutlich die Kommunikation!
    Ich übersetze mal Gwindas letzten Hinweis: Die neueste Version des Timless Mods benötigt die LUA-Konsole nicht. Du kannst den neuesten TFGM benutzen, um ihn zu installieren. Die Lua-Konsole wird nicht benötigt (unter Windows).

  • Hy Zusammen hab etz das problem das ich in Der Lua Console drin stehen habe no File und ich schon Ewig nix mehr mit Dos gemacht habe das spiel liegt bei mir auf I wie kann ich das nochmal schnell ändern das er das Findet :)

    His problem is, that his lua-console shows the error "no File". Why he says something with DOS i dunno ^^ Is this a Commandline-programm (could be visually compared to DOS ^^)? Next is: his games is installed on HDD I:\ (as i understand it) and "how can i change this so he finds the file).

    Hope that helps a bit :)

  • Hab den Aktuellen Timeless Geladen glaub ich bin zu Blöd das Teil zum Laufen zu Bekommen . Ich lade es runter endpacke es , mach den Mod Manager auf Und installiere ihn . das wars ? Aber im Game zeigt er mir nichts an , das ich Andere züge kaufen kann . Und das jahre wechseln ist auch nicht Frei geschalten . Was mach Ich falsch

  • Nein,

    du musst die "timeless_mod_config.lua" noch konfigurieren. Zu öffnen mit dem Windows Editor.

    Zu finden: "Spieleordner"\Train Fever\mods\gwinda_timeless_mod_3\res\scripts

    Lesen (ist leider in Englisch aber verständlich) und abändern in deine Wunschkonfiguration.

  • sorry Leute ich Bekomme es nicht hin, wenn Ich den Angaben folge sprich wo ich es gespeichert habe .
    Kommt das :

    --[[ timeless_mod configuration

    There are two main variables; To and From that controls, independent of eachother, when Vehicles
    will appear and dissapear from production. Ageing is also an independent variable that act as a
    factor to multiplied witht the Vehicle's Life span.

    Controls when vehicles will start to appear.
    From = 0 All Vehicles available from start.
    From = Original Vechiles will appear without modification.

    Controls when vehicles will be out of production.
    To = Original Vehicles will be taken out of production without modification.
    To = Infinite Vehicles will never be taken out of production.

    This is a factor to control how fast the vehiles will age.
    0, Disable or Infinite = the lifetime is infinite
    0.5 = 50% the lifetime is 50% shorter (half)
    1.0 = 100% the life time is unchanged
    2.0 = 200% the lifetime is doubled

    Example 1; Vehicles will appear as normal but never taken out of production:
    From = Original
    To = Infinfite

    Example 2; All vehicles will appear and never taken out of production:
    From = Disable
    To = Infinfite

    -- Constant helpers - don't touch
    local Enable = 1
    local Disable = 0
    local Original = 2
    local Infinite = 0

    -- Timeless configuration parameters - Do your configuration here
    local From = Original
    local To = Infinite
    local Ageing = Disable

    -- Utils - don't touch
    function getFromYear(year) if From == 0 then year = 0 end if From ~= Original then end return year end
    function getToYear(year) if To == Infinite then year = 0 end if To ~= Original then end return year end
    function getLifespan(year) return year * Ageing end

    Und da kann ich was ändern ? meine Frage noch wo haben die Andern diesen Quellcode her ?

    mein Pfad lautet :

    Computer-Lokale-Daten-C-Programm-Steam-steamapps-common-TrainFever-mods-gwinda_timeless_mod3 res script
