[MOD] Gwinda's map mod (former low land)

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    The mod can be downloaded from:

    Train Fever 6219 or above.


    Gives you control over various map related parameters.

    • 6 new terrain generators
    • Forest size and density
    • Town initial size and growth rate
    • Industry size and max production
    • Main connections on/off
    • Rocks on/off

    Supports TFGM's configuration UI.

    The map mod is written for the new mod system and must not be copied into the res folder, as before.

    Manual install
    Unzip the archive in Train Fever/mods/ folder.
    Start TF and activate the mod before playing.

    TFGM install
    Drag & drop the archive to TFGM.
    Enable the mod
    Start TF and activate the mod before playing.

    The good news with the new mod system is that no files are being modified. This makes it easy and safe to remove the mod at any time.

    Manual uninstall
    Simply delete the the Train Fever/mods/gwinda_map_mod_x folder where x is the mod's major version number.

    TFGM uninstall
    Simply select the mod and press disable.
    The mod is kept in TFGM's internal library and can be enabled again at any time. To completely remove it from library select the mod and press uninstall.

    The easiest way is to use TFGM's built ini Configuration UI. Install the mod and go to the configuration tab.

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://www.train-fever.net/index.php/Attachment/50639/]

    To manually configure (without TFGM)
    The configuration file is located in the mod's root folder under Config/config.lua
    You can either manually open it in a text editor or just from TFGM, right click on the mod and select "Mod configuration..."

    The config file has instructions included at the top. Scroll down to:

    "-- BEGIN -- Do your configuration here"

    Save create a new game to see the mod params take effect (no need to restart Train Fever).

    The mods map data is only used when generating new games. It is not possible to add more forests to an already saved game.

  • Japp. Looks similar in result but might be different in details.
    Good job!

  • A major update with lots of new functions in v2.0

    • 6 new terrain generators
    • Forest size and density
    • Town initial size and growth rate
    • Industry size and max production
    • Main connections on/off
    • Rocks on/off

    Supports TFGM's configuration UI.

    Due to a bug in Train Fever, the map mod and particle mod can't be active at the same time.
    This will automatically be resolved after the next TF update.

  • Could you please add some pictures so one can see what the different terrain generators look like?
    I don't know which I have to pick and I dont't want to try every single one out.

  • This is an awesome mod! Thank you, Gwinda!
    Das ist eine wundervolle Mod! Danke, Gwinda!
