[MOD] Particle mod

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Das Team der Transport-Fever Community


    Train Fever 6181 or above.


    Download the mod here

    Upon request I made this mod to control particles in TF. This first version only controls chimney smoke in towns. You can adjust color and amount for industry buildings and all the rest (commercial, leisure and residents as one group). I will update this mod with more settings...

    This mod is written for the new mod system and must not be copied into the res folder, as before.

    Manual install
    Unzip the archive in Train Fever/mods/ folder.
    Start TF and activate the mod before playing.

    TFGM install
    Drag & drop the archive to TFGM.
    Enable the mod
    Start TF and activate the mod before playing (if you didn't already activated it in TFGM).

    The good news with the new mod system is that no files are being modified. This makes it easy and safe to remove the mod's folder at any time.

    Manual uninstall
    Simply delete the the Train Fever/mods/gwinda_particle_mod_x folder where x is the mod's major version number.

    TFGM uninstall
    Simply select the mod and press disable.
    The mod is kept in TFGM's internal library and can be enabled again at any time. To completely remove it from library select the mod and press uninstall.

    The configuration file is located in the mod's root folder under Config/config.lua
    You can either manually open it in a text editor or just from TFGM, right click on the mod and select "Mod configuration..."

    The config file has instructions included at the top. Scroll down to "-- BEGIN -- Do your configuration here"
    Save and reload your game save or create a new game to see the mod params take effect (no need to restart Train Fever).

  • Release 1.0
    A complete remake of v0.2

    The first mod out to support TFGM's configuration UI. Just install the mod and go to the configuration tab.
    You can control smoke amount and color individually for:

    * Industries
    * Residents
    * Commercials
    * Leisures
    * Misc particle systems
    * Camp fires

    ..and a master control to adjust them all. A PDF manual is included as well (right click on the mod and select documents).

    The mod is available in English and Swedish and if you are willing to translate to any other language, I would be greatful. Just drop a PM to me.
