Changing an empty freight car to appear full?

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  • Hello.
    Apologies if this has been asked before, i was unable to find anything though.
    As it seems almost impossible to fill a 30-40 car freight train, i was wondering if it was possible to edit a freight car, so that it will appear full, even when empty? I tried editing some cars, but they are split into and empty car, and then the goods loaded onto them. Not an empty car and a full car. So when i edited the script, the car was just a floating container. I got this result by editing the mdl file. I need help to fix this :-)

    Thanks in advance.

  • To edit the 1975 open wagon do the following (I assume that you are experienced with scripting). Open the mdl-file of the wagon ("...\Train Fever\res\models\model\vehicle\waggon\open_1975") and find the capacities in line 211 and 212.
    Now set the variables maxHeight to 0.
    This should make the content of the wagon stay on the same level regardless of loadstate.
    Now, find the meshes for the visible content for the different lods (lines 33, 40, 88, 95, 143, 150) and play with the height of the mesh to give it a realistic look. You'll find the transformation matrix that will give you the values to change here:…82-Transformation-Matrix/

    This should work as far as I can estimate.

    "Wenn größere Fußballspiele oder gar Weihnachtseinkäufe im KaDeWe als hochgradig riskant eingestuft werden, haben die Terroristen schon gewonnen, ohne einen einzigen Sprengstoffgürtel gezündet zu haben."

    Frank Jansen, Der Tagespiegel, Berlin, 15.11.15
