Idea to mod in timetables. Doable !

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  • I just had an idea on how to mod in timetables. This is achievable in the cruurent build.

    I noticed that the loading time in trains differ depending on wich wagons I would use. For instance the "ggths Broomberg" takes longer to load than the "HBI". That is because the Broomeberg has some animations (doors sliding). The train still loads goods that arrive in the meantime until it leaves the station.

    That means we could mod in dummy waggons that have an animation that lasts, 30, 60, 100 seconds. You can add those to a train that woudl slow down the loading of that train by a number of seconds. So you could make your coal train let's say wait in the station for 3 minutes, thus achieving the spacing between this and the next train.

    This, obviously would not be that usefull on passenger lines with multiple stops, but only on trains with 2 or 3 stops.

    What do you guys think ?

  • I can't see any benefit in this idea. Arriving at a station there might be 3 states: doors opening, unloading/loading (deonding on loadspeed-variable), doors closing. When changing animation length the train might stay in station longer but people/fright won't be loaded in this time.

    The main goal of timetables is to let the people change from one train to another. But here only the doors will take longer to open and close. No extra exchange time ...
