Ways to create your own map using seed numbers?

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  • Can a certain map be created using different combinations of seed numbers? This is because it would be nice to work out how the seed numbers work and be able to create your own type of map. Any type of lesson on seeds (not plant seeds) and how they work would be appreciated! :)

  • The world is generated by using pseudo random numbers. A mathematical algorithm generates numbers which are looking random, even at close inspection. The are not truly random. The generator always generates the same sequence of numbers, each depending on its predecessor. The seed is the first number of the sequence. The same seed always generates the same sequence of pseudo random numbers as long as you are using the same algorithm.

    Every thing generated in the train fever world uses pseudo random numbers. It is impossible to predict the numbers if you are not using the exactly same algorithm when you are calculating the numbers on your own. Train Fewer possibly uses hundreds or thousands of pseudo random numbers in the world generator. Depending on the size of the map the number of used numbers differs. This is obvious. A bigger map needs more numbers. So given the same seed two maps of a different size will look totally different.

    Train fever doesn't have its own random number generator. It probably uses the one of the operating system. Each operating system uses a different algorithm. So it generates totally different maps on different operating system, even if you are using the same seed and the same map size.

    Des weiteren bin ich der Meinung, dass Rangieren ein sinnvolles Feature dieses Spiels wäre.

  • Darn, I was thinking it would be like minecraft where if you type in a certain thing you get a type of map. And if the seed numbers are unpredictable then why do they let you randomize or type in your own?

  • If you are using the same setup, same operating system, same map size etc. you will always get the same world from the same seed. You can write down the seed before generating the world and you can generate the same world over and over again as long as you are not changing your setup. And it is kind of fun to use crazy words or the birthday of a relative or loved one as the seed for the world generator.

    Des weiteren bin ich der Meinung, dass Rangieren ein sinnvolles Feature dieses Spiels wäre.

  • For example. May be it's too long. I don't know. Just try it and have fun.

    Des weiteren bin ich der Meinung, dass Rangieren ein sinnvolles Feature dieses Spiels wäre.

  • Ist doch kein Geheimnis mehr?

    Außerdem möchten wir den Kartengenerator erweitern. Dabei arbeiten wir daran externe Quellen, wie Height Maps, im Generator verarbeiten zu können. Falls wir erfolgreich sind werden Modder sicherlich eigene Landschaften und damit neue Herausforderungen kreieren.

    Quelle: https://www.train-fever.net/ne…te-und-frohe-Weihnachten/
