Graphics settings and Windows 10

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  • Hello all...

    For a long time now (several months--probably since I upgraded to Win 10), I had been frustrated because when I tried in-game graphics settings of 1920x1080 (which my system is capable of). The screen would be incorrectly displayed. I was always needing to run the game in Windowed Mode, and was still not seeing the very bottom of the screen where the game speed buttons are.

    Today I discovered, you should not have your Windows 10 "Customize Your Display" settings set to anything other than 100% where you can "Change the size of text, apps, and other items". I WAS at 125%.

    After changing this setting back to 100%, I was able to run the game in 1920x1080 mode with no loss of screen icons or window size.

    Live and learn.

