Looking for a growth mod.

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  • I've played multiple games of Train Fever and every time I get to about 1940, my train systems become obsolete because of cars. Cars seem to take more than half of my passengers away, infact the best way to try and make as much money as my trains used to is by setting up Large Country Roads with bus lanes and making inter-city Bus systems. The reason I think that train's are made obsolete is because, 1) It seems everyone can get a car(shouldn't be the case), 2)Not enough growth and people to have genuine mass transport. I'm in the year 1980, I have a Hub City in the centre of the map that has 7 train networks, one to each other city. Every city has two local bus networks and its own goods source. Yet my hub city has got only 700 population and my second largest has 400 population. I cannot use trains at all because they all run deficits. If the cities grew quicker, the mass amount of people would cause more people to use the train, and if car availability could be properly limited then the game would involve true mass transport.

    I would like a mod that:
    -- Increased population growth rate in cities
    -- Added more streets and expanded cities more every year than they currently do
    -- Limited the percentage of a cities population that could own a car


  • I fear such a mod, that is not possible, would not help you. Your people are dissatisfied with your passenger network. That is the reason why they are using their cars and as a result is the growth of your towns underwhelming.

    You should care for your passengers needs and wishes. Everyone travels from his home to his working place and back, to his shopping place and back and to his recreation place and back. Each destination must be reachable in less than 20 minutes. You can ask every person where it wants to go to.

    Build a network that takes everyone where he wants to go to as fast as possible and the people will love your trains and buses.

    Des weiteren bin ich der Meinung, dass Rangieren ein sinnvolles Feature dieses Spiels wäre.

  • The frequency is only the time to wait till the next train arrives. That alone is almost half of the time a passenger has to make the whole way from door to door. You also have to consider the time a passenger needs from the door of his home to the platform at the station, the maximum time he has to wait (the is the frequency), the time the train needs to travel to the desired station and the time the passenger needs from the platform he arrives at to the door of his destination building.

    So a frequency of 8 minutes is way to long to be of any use.

    Des weiteren bin ich der Meinung, dass Rangieren ein sinnvolles Feature dieses Spiels wäre.
