Map Creation Tool / Tool zur Kartenerstellung

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  • Hallo Xanos,
    erst mal Eins vorweg, damit das gleich klar ist: BEGEISTERUNG !!!
    Habe da aber ein Problem. Habe nir ne Hightmap von Europa gezogen,JPEG, 1537x1537, Höhe min. 50, max. 200.
    Geladen, Städte platziert, exportiert, im Maps Ordner abgelegt, gefunden und gestartet.
    Fehlermeldung: Spielerstellung fehlgeschlagen, konnte Straßennetzwerk nicht erstellen.
    Woran kann das liegen. Ferndiagnose erwünscht :rolleyes: ...
    Gruß britappi

    Nur kleine Geister halten Ordnung...Genies überblicken das Chaos !!! ^^

  • Wenn ich eine Karte bastle und das spiel keine Straßen Städte oder Industrien Platzieren kann, experimentiere ich in der map.lua mit dem höchsten und tiefsten Punkt! range = {50, 500 },
    Das klappt immer!

    Woher soll ich Wissen was ich Denke... bevor ich lese was ich schreibe!?

  • Hello, everyone.
    I just come around to say a big thank to Xanos for his wonderful tool and to share with all the other map builders my experience in creating, with the help of his tool, a map with big mountains (1300 meters max elevation) and mountain towns. :-)

    As we already know, one of the most annoying thing in using an heightmap in TPF is that the game refuses to use a map when it fails to create all road connections, and won't show an industry for the same reason.

    This is what I did to avoid the game failing to connect all the cities and industries with roads:
    I didn't touch the max elevation in the lua file (set to 1300 meters).
    I opened my heightmap with photoshop (of course Gimp or another similar program will do it) and with the levels adjustement I darkened the grey level of the map (I about halved it).
    I manually edited all the higher mountains with the proper brush to restore a lighter level of gray.
    I used the Xanos tool to place cumulatively only the towns in flatter terrain zones.
    I was forced to manually place one by one the towns in montainuos zones (I did the same with industries, using Xanos tool only for coordinates), and then reloading the map with TPF to check that all worked. In some cases I had to manually edit the terrain in Photoshop again, to flatten the land where a city or an industry created placement difficulties. It was a lot of work, but in the end, the map worked fine.
    I think that, while the resulting map was not 100% realistic in the elevations proportions, the final aesthetic result was quite good and all the cities and industries were correctly placed.

    >>>Dear Xanos, I would also like to take this opportunity to ask if you please could modify your program to show a more magnified heightmap image and to show the coordinates when you place a city (or simply when you hover on a point of the map with the mouse). It would be of great help when you are manually placing cities and industries in the LUA file, and you don't need to have the tool creating a new lua file.
    Thanks again and keep up the good work!

    Ciao, Antonello (AKA Neldot)
    My first TPF map is available on Workshop at this link, if someone wants to look at it:…filedetails/?id=797346798

  • Until four hours ago, it really was 0 = lowest and 255 = highest ;) I changed this just today:

    Translates to: I removed the auto-level (which actually expands the image range to 0-255, if not the case) from the tool, as I suspected it to cause the steps in the map.

    So, the lower number corresponds to black and the higher number to white.
    But, I will now change this back to the behavior I originally released this tool with:
    That the lower number really corresponds to the lowest point on the map and respectively for the higher number to the highest points.

    Entschuldigung. I have not tested again before to post. Thanks for fixing.

    I thank you so much for this tool. With it, I have successed to understand how the range works, and I can set cities on a map whereas I have not understand how the position works.
    The maps I have created won't exist without you.

    I agree with your TODO list, especially "Catch possible errors" which can avoid to launch the games many times to have only an error.

    I have 2 suggestions, faster to code in order to not take many of your time:

    • Display the gray value corresponding to the 100m altitude. It is easy to compute and useful to adjust the map pixel by pixel.
    • Allow to set the cities (and later industries) by the pixel coordinates. It is a temporary solution before you implement zoom to have a precise position. I have set many cities in the water instead of near it. With this, there will be no problems.
  • Display the gray value corresponding to the 100m altitude. It is easy to compute and useful to adjust the map pixel by pixel.

    Do you mean the water level? This is already shown with blue.
    If you mean a line every 100m as reference, then I can implement this :)

    @ATrainMicha Hm komisch, kannst Du mir evtl die Map mal zukommen lassen, dann schau ich mir die Datei an und schaue was falsch sein könnte.

    @Werkstatt Die Auflösung wird von meinem Tool automatisch eingestellt, da muss man sich nicht drum kümmern.

  • Wie kann ich bis zur Fertigstellung der neuen Version vom Map-Creation Tool mit der Festlegung der Standorte für Städte, Dörfer und in Industrien beginnen? Die Karte ist zwar groß(4k x 4k), mehr als die Hälfte davon ist aber sehr bergig und erfordert deswegen eine exakte Positionierung.

  • Do you mean the water level? This is already shown with blue.If you mean a line every 100m as reference, then I can implement this :)

    Yes I thought to the water level. For example, if you know what is the grey value you want for the water level, you can change the highest point until you reach this value. It is in addition to the blue you set. I agree it is not a high necessary feature ;)

    A line at every 100m (or another frequency depending to highest/lowest points) can be interesting. But I think, it will be better with a checkbox to add/remove these lines in order to set more easily the towns for example.

  • @Xanos
    Gerade mal "auf die Schnelle" angetestet, und eine Map mit Städten und Industrien erstellt, und Map "installiert".
    Beim erstellen eines neuen "freien" Spiels dann sofort eine Fehlermeldung:


    File: maps/Test/map.lua

    maps/Test/map.lua:12: ´}´ expected (to close ´{´ at line 10) ´{´

    This error.. blabla

    Da scheint es noch ein "Problem" beim generieren des Skriptes zu geben?

    Ich bin nur dafür verantwortlich was ich schreibe, nicht was andere verstehen "wollen"!

    System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit ; AMD Phenom II X4 965 @ 3,4 GHz ; 8 GB DDR3 Ram ; GeForce GTX 660 @ 3 GB GDDR5 Ram (Treiber: 431.36)

  • Für meine neue Haarfarbe (grau), kommt das 3 Tage zu spät. ;) Es ist ein Elend mit dem Selberplazieren von Industrien.Das Poblem sind nicht die Straßenverbindungen direkt (obwohl sie wohl beitragen), sondern daß manche der in der LUA vorhandene Industrien nicht auf der Karte erscheinen. Da hilft nur das (wiederholte) Verändern der Koordinaten und Raufen der Haare.

    Edit: Das Problem ist eventuell der Mindestabstand zwischen Industrien. Nachdem ich westlich der Stadt einen Wald plaziert habe, verschwand das südlich der Stadt gelegene Chemiewerk.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von gax ()
