How to change map size?

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  • Hi,

    I want to create a custom map and I've already been using another as the basis for it. However, I don't know how to make the map bigger. I want to be the largest size, 576 km². What do I need to do?

    EDIT: Never mind, it seems to depend on the size of the heightmap.
    EDIT #2: It does, but the game throws an error when I try to import a 8192x8192 heightmap.


  • 1. The side of the maps are 1024 x X + 1 (1025 x 2049 , 3173 x 4097 etc.)
    2. The max mapsize are limited to 16 mio Pixels

    For more information look here: Heigtmaps (Erlaube Abmessungen) (Only german but that should not the problem) ;)

    Ich bin nur dafür verantwortlich was ich schreibe, nicht was andere verstehen "wollen"!

    System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit ; AMD Phenom II X4 965 @ 3,4 GHz ; 8 GB DDR3 Ram ; GeForce GTX 660 @ 3 GB GDDR5 Ram (Treiber: 431.36)

  • I hope so. I bet we're gonna get some good updates...I always found Train Fever a bit lacklustre in that regard. They did some small gameplay fix and some UI changes, and then they were done. With these kinds of games, new gameplay and content gets added after release more often than not.

  • I was immensely disappointed too when I discovered that they limited to 16 mpx the maximum side of user created maps.
    I believe that they did it to prevent bad game performances in ultralarge maps. But the game already has a performance drop when the map populates too much, asides from the map dimensions. It has more to do with the number of agents and vehicles, so limiting the map dimension is pointless.

    Another things that bothers me, as an enthusiast map builder, is that the game try always to automatically create a road network in you map, with ugly results (island towns ends up always with long oceanic bridges to the mainland) and even preventing you to use a map if the game fails to create the automatic roads network. Without a proper editor, in mountainous maps it is really a pain to add cities and industries because the game won't accept cities or industries that can't be reached by normal roads and doesn't try to build tunnels in mountains.

    I really hope that the Devs will get us rid of these pointless and frustrating limits to our creativity.

  • go to drive C: and search for settings.lua file (for GOG game located here: C:\Users\$UserName\AppData\Roaming\Transport Fever)
    find experimentalMapSizes parameter and change it to true
    That's it. Enjoy Huge and Megalomaniac sizes.
