[GUIDE] Logistic Management

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  • Enjoying the game so far that I couldn't stop playing the last few days.Can't understand the bad reviews and all the hate in the Steam forums but they seem to be all based about not understanding how to properly set up a transport network without getting the economy stuck.
    So I have written a guide that is available (for GOG users as well) here

    To go into detail what is not working and why and how to fix that.

    Now my english is a little bit dusty and that is the first guide I have ever written.
    This is why I am here, I would be glad to get some feedback to speech but also to content and I am open for discussions on that matter! (All of this is based on my personal experience after all.)

    With Best Regards

  • Great guide so far!

    What really boggles my mind is why "The game calculates the capacity of your transport network, and is comparing it to its current usage.
    If your trucks at the rear end of your transport network i.e. can't hold up to the previous transport lines then wares are piling up until those trucks are considered "in use" and the "Line usage" flips to "No".
    This leads to the fact that your ship at the very front of your transportation network doesn't get any ressources any more even though the economy shows a "Potential" and tells you to "carry more" - and it is right!"

    This calculation is made by the game, but we dont have that as a player avaible on some kind of chart. I really hope Urban games works on this because i dont really like to sit there with a calculator searching for the bottlenecks. I agree things shouldnt be too easy, but at least the game should display the real bottlenecks, instead of saying "carry more" when in reality the bottleneck is on another line!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Qwurdi ()

  • That guide is well written and has the kind of humor I like!

    One thing came to my mind reading it: Out of nowhere, you start referencing trucks and ships of an assumed transportation line without first introducing it (in "Free your Economy! The Theory"). I'd probably state for reference that you assume a transportation chain with ship, train and truck.

    Apart from that, your guide is very much in line with my own observations. Thanks for writing it!

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