USA campaign has no mission on East Coast

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  • It disappointing to me that the American campaign has no mission on the American eastern seaboard, especially considering its were America began its transportation empires. There are multiple things that occurred here for a possible mission.

    - build a small railroad in the Mid Atlantic to bring railroads to America
    - build a railroad to the great lakes from the east coast (like Railroad Tycoon 3's first mission, Go West!)
    - help build/startup the Erie Canal & make NYC the primer American city, ship goods from lake Erie to NY harbor
    - transport people to DC/the front lines during the civil war era to help the union war effort
    - transport goods to ports on the East Coast to help with the war efforts in WW1 and WW2 in Europe
    - during the New Deal era help build America's infrastructure
    - (this could be anywhere but it should be here given everywhere else in the nation is basically covered) A mission to connect suburbs to a major city to symbolize suburbia growth in the 50s and 60s
    - bring high speed rail to the USA by building the North East Corridor in the modern day
