About the performance issue

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  • Hey,

    just wanted to react to the dev update about performance issues..

    Im somewhere around year 2500, got three big cities 5000+ population and Im pretty sure my GTX 1060 is ideling at about 53 celcius doing nothing. What is my problem is the fact one core is simply running at 100% - while others are running around 30%.. No GPU bottleneck, mine is definitly CPU related - btw. Im running at 4GHz with hyperthreading set at 2500 MHZ. Battlefield 1 runs really good - this game I get like 5 fps:)

    The GPU problem I see with my GTX 1060 is that the game is not able to demand enough resourses - so my OC doesent kick in and it idles somewhere in the desktop mode:)

    Well, I hope you guys do kind of fix this cause otherwise we got the same problem as with Train Fever - and not even the absolutely bombastickkkkk soundtrack would save this:))
