How to delete entire road/track

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  • Hi
    i was just wondering if there is a way to delete an entire road of a piece of track
    In train fever when u make new road its a single track or road.
    In transport fever, even thou i made a long road all at once, its separated into so many pieces, and deleting 20 long roads would take me at least a day, plus the lag that its creating

    So if there is a way to delete whole thing at once i would appreciate if someone could tell me how

  • I think the game is splitting the road into segments for a reason: All stops only cover a certain area measured in street segments, so if you'd be able to build one single piece of road as a single segment, you could serve the whole map from only one bus stop.

    Also, multiple segments do attach themselves better to the landscape contours.

    I do not know a way to quickly delete a bunch of road segments in one go.

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