how do you make

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  • So im going on try 4 to make a god damn profit and i just dont get it. i always get things up and running and then the "system" that handles cargo and demand just fucks up. I have a nice system where i bring in rocks from a quarry and make about 50 construction materials and then i ship it to a town. it works great for 8 years and then just stops. Im only hitting 50% of the cities demand for tools so WTF? same thing with livestock. i was delivering 50 at a time and then distributing it throughout the city with trucks and then BAM done. WTF how do you setup a sustainable company when these stupid systems just decide you are done? do the demand numbers in a town even mean anything? im never more than 45% filling a demand but then shit just stops. theres no overstock anywhere in my supply line. i dont get it. im only playing on medium and it shouldnt be this fucking stupid.

  • Dont use ships to begin with. If you are more experienced you can try it.

    Use trains between factories and trucks to deliever a city. More Important than demands is frequency. The demand only marks the cap. The lower the frequency the better because the receiving storage of an industry should not reach 0 ;).

  • I seem to be having the opposite problem. playthru number 6 for me was going great until 1908. I have 2 passenger bus lines with 10 buses each which make around $45000 a year per line. that enabled me to slowly build up and add an oil line. I have 4 trucks bring in what used to be more than enough crude oil. the crude is loaded onto the first oil ship available and then dropped off at a refinery where i have 8 trucks pickup and deliver the fuel to the industrial center.
    This was going so well i had to buy a second ship which ended up being a i was moving about 160 crude per year and never once had a shortage of crude oil and my supply depot of fuel was never over 30 so i wasnt saturating the city. I used the profits off this for several years to then buy a new freight harbor to deliver refined oil to a chem factory which also went well. that was bringing in about $900,000 of income and as far as i know i couldnt just leave this setup as is because eventually the chem plant would get backed i decided to build a rail line from the chem plant to a goods factory to sell off the plastics. then the game fucked me.
    My refinery started producing more refined oil than fuel. so i bought a 4th ship to send more oil down to the chem plant. THEN my oil well just stops producing oil. WTF why would they stop when i was using 160 per year and then also sending 120 oil per year down to the chem plant.
    this is infuriating because according to the game my oil well has 120 stored crude but wont let me sell the shit. same thing with the plastics factory. they are just hoarding their products and now im hemorrhaging money and probably gonna just have to reload from several hours ago. where is the logic behind this random drop of 110 production to 4 on my oil well?

  • now it gets a bit complicated to follow exactly. First i suppose you know that this sign "|" in the factory demands means "or" and not "and". Second, the system is very fragile, that means if you forgot something to connect it might look like it would work but only until the storages arent full. Dont observe the outgoing storage, try to ignore it, because it doesnt tell anything. Just check if the incoming storage is always higher than 0.
    But to me it just sound you forgot an important line. Maybe pics might help.
