Transport Lines Manager

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  • Is it possible to improve replacement feature? Now when new transport becomes available I have to go into every line and set new replacement manually. Doing that for 100 lines kills my brain (and not only mine for sure). And it would be useful to display cargo and passenger lines separately.
    Transport assignment could be made more intelligent, offering proper line types instead of full list.

  • And an option to replace all Vehicles in the line at the next station without checking the age.
    Normally I use the 25% but if the vehicle is 3 years old and I want to replace it because there is a better one available, the I have to send it to the depot.
    So I want to replace them without a check and then the button should deactivate itself and the 100% should be active again.
    Fire and forget :)

  • Is it possible to improve replacement feature? Now when new transport becomes available I have to go into every line and set new replacement manually. Doing that for 100 lines kills my brain (and not only mine for sure). And it would be useful to display cargo and passenger lines separately.
    Transport assignment could be made more intelligent, offering proper line types instead of full list.

    Yes it kills my brain too !
    An option to copy the replacement vehicle to all lines would be wonderful.

  • I was looking into this today, possibly createing a "Vehicle Replacement Manager" mod. I don't know if this is possible, from what i can tell by reading the documentation and other people's mods -- the api isn't opened up to adding new in-game windows, nor can i see a way to script modify the replacement definitions.

    However, here's how i would like to see this designed (above answers are good, but logistically, i think this is a better setup):

    I would utilize a "class system" for vehicles on a line. Then set a replacement definition per that class.

    An example:
    You have 4 lines:
    1 - Passenger Bus Lake City
    2 - Passenger Tram Lake City
    3 - Passenger Bus Augusta
    4 - Passenger Tram Augusta

    When creating the lines, i would set the following Classes:
    1 - Passenger Bus Lake City - Class Bus 1
    2 - Passenger Tram Lake City - Class Tram 1
    3 - Passenger Bus Augusta - Class Bus 2
    4 - Passenger Tram Augusta - Class Tram 1

    For some reason i want to keep bus line in Augusta a different vehicle than Lake City, maybe i don't like Augusta, maybe there are too many vehicles with not enough revenue to justify a more advanced vehicle level -- either way, i have that distinction.

    Then define the classes:
    Class Bus 1 - Stage Coach
    Class Bus 2 - Horse Carriage
    Class Tram 1 - Horse Trolley Car

    This way, groups (or folders -- YstlDystl) of lines would be defined by a line Class. Vehicle definitions can then be inherited from that class.

    This should be really easy to program, even script with a button to make the changes, because all of the elements exist in the game (replace now, auto replace by time) just the inheritance and definition pieces need to be added.

    If anyone has a reference for the api that explains these pieces, i would gladly take a stab at 1. learning lua, and 2. building this.
