Map-Editor built within the game...

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  • Okay I think it is time for this game to have a proper in-game map editor.

    In-game editing of the landscapes using brushes, placing industries, digging or expanding waterways. In the last Tropico game, their editor had a button-tab for posting completed maps/scenarios to the Steam WorkShop. In the editor one could use a seed-number to generate a game map small, medium or large. Then with the brushes one could edit the landscape, add cities and industries...saving the completed map then posting right to Steam Workshop.

    So an in-game map editor with built-in map seed-generator plus allow edits to grey-scale maps if we have those.

    Thoughts? :)

  • I have about a dozen or so different maps for Transport completing three more. They are posted in the maps section and in the Steam Workshop.

    Having an in-game map editor, would allow users to place and spin around industries easier. Right now you have to set the rotation figures to get them to turn. Adding new brushes like a min-max landscape build brush for editing the landscape, rather than just an up and down brush. To be able to paint snow in some areas...or other landscape textures like summer or fall grass or grass with flowers. Fall tree collection, or snow covered...being able to paint trees on a landscape during the map build. To be able to dig into the map and make lakes, rives etc.
