Come to across a modular station idea

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  • It comes to me an ideal this morning, as you know I have just did my first station, why can't we modularize the construction of a station?

    That means we add tracks, platforms block by block, since in this games it seems the station is just a unit of construction/modification, and all calculates depends on transportNetworkProvider, why can't we do it?

    We have a good tools that calls snapNode to get it work. Route snapNode won't work since it's too soft, but railway snapNode is not bad, however, if we can find better snapNodes it will be welcomed.

    In this way, we can finally get personized station by different components.

    I have already seen some people constructed a grand terminal by place N termianls side by side, however, with manually work it's impossible to get underpass connected, which we could use to enchance the station.

    What do you think of it?

    I will do some prototype tonight or on Saturday and put it on steam to see it people like it

    This guy is too lazy to create a signature. 8o
