Routing trains from the depot to two different platforms in the same station

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  • Hey everyone :)
    I am just a beginner in this game and I have read other people saying a single line is bound to a single platform. Now let me see, if I have a double line track from A to B, from both platforms of a two platform station (I mean both A and B are two platform stations), and I make a diamond crossing, (or X crossing or whatever you call it), and what I want is to create two lines, both using the same double track, one line using the platform 1 of A and B stations, the second line using the platform 2 of A and B stations. Now, I need to get a train each on platform 1 and 2 of station A to begin with , from the depot, so how do I do that? How do I make one train go to platform 1 and the other one to platform two?Once the trains are on their respective platforms, I can simply use way points to get both trains to station B along one track and back to station A along the other track but how to get the trains in the two separate platforms of the station A in the first place? Sorry to sound so stupid and long winded but right now I only can think of building a track to platform 1 and setting up the line and have the train running, then bulldoze the track and put another track to platform 2. Or can I simply put two way points near the appropriate platforms and set up the line using those way points along with the other other way points and stations? I haven't tried to do this but I am trying to think this out before I try something so any replies would be welcome.

  • You Can just do it like this:

    Create two lines.
    The first line goes from:
    Station A, Platform 1 via Waypoint before Station A Platform 1 to
    Station B, Platform 1 and back via Waypoint before Station B Platform 1.
    The second line goes from:
    S A, P 2 via WP before S A, P 2 to S B, P 2 and back via WP before S B, P 2.

    Then you place a depot which has access to all Tracks of Station A OR B (equal).

    Buy two trains, one for Line 1, one for Line 2.

    But don't forget to place Signals before and between the Stations (Blocksignals)
