How do I switch production to the train depot?

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  • I built a road depot to take food from the processing plant to the town. This was fine, but it's producing far too much for the horse wagons to transport. So, to help out, I built a train depot as this will be much faster. The problem is the processing plant is still dumping the majority of the food at the road depot. There are 20+ units waiting at the road depot, and 1-3 units being deposited at the train depot. The train picks these up, but it means it runs with short loads every time (I could wait until it's full, but I can see there are still loads going to road depot).

    How do I force the processing plant to deposit the majority of the food at the train depot? I want a 75/25 split in favour of trains. (I have approx. 10/90 currently!)

  • So the easiest way of forcing the cargo to go by train is to only have that option. And I can really recommend it, because you will have less fluctuation with production when you do.

    My guess is, that the cargo prefers the shorter waiting time (time between vehicles), which of course will probably be lower for the horse wagons - meaning most cargo will go there. So the solution here would be to have fewer horse wagons on the line - something that could also lead to only the train being used.
    It's a tricky situation, another reason I would suggest only using one mode of transport!

    Hope that helps :)

    Lg, YstlDystl

  • I've had this problem too. The game refuses to use the new railway station and insists on using the truck station even when I only leave one truck servicing it.
    Deleting the truck station entirely has helped, but it has still taken years for cargo to start going to the station.
    Sometimes it never seems to happen, and I just give up and abandon that industry.
    How the game chooses which station to use is not clear, and in my opinion the process needs explaining more clearer, or needs revising.

  • Another choice the AI makes, is which mode of transport is cheaper.
    And as taking the train is more expensive, the cargo prefers the truck/horse carriage.

    Of course that does not explain why the industry refuses to use the train at all...odd. But then again, industry always has been. I prefer making my millions with passengers :)

    Lg, YstlDystl
