[MOD][WIP] - Construction + vehicle + helicopter (urban expansion project package)

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • Finally, I finished move to my new house. . So tired. . :sleeping:

    Rest on weekends, Post a UEP-MOD preview.

    Release date: April 25 ^^

    [UEP_008E] - Cement mixing station MOD

    Dear Mayor, it is time to add a cement mixing station to your city. . lol

    Truck Freight Station + Industry
    Demand: stone, slag.
    Production: building materials

    Three platforms, 1, 2 for cement mixer truck, 3 for stones, slag.


    VIDEO preview:

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  • MOD release: 2019.4.24.

    [UEP_015b] - Dairy farm MOD



    < urban expansion package >. - numbered: [UEP_015(b)] V1.1
    This MOD belongs to ( Industry + Truck station ) integrated MOD. Please find this MOD in the industrial list.
    MOD uses the default game industry and is compatible with all industry MODs.
    1. MOD includes a truck terminal. There are three freight platforms.
    2. MOD Owned Industry:
    (Default) = FOOD X1(Yield=60)
    GRAIN X1 + LIVESTOCK X1 (input) = FOOD X2(Yield=8000)
    GRAIN X2 (input) = FOOD X2(Yield=8000)
    LIVESTOCK X2 (input) = FOOD X2(Yield=8000)


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  • MOD release: 2019.4.25.

    UEP_008f)_Cement mixing station ( station+industry )




    < urban expansion package >. - numbered: [UEP_008(f)] V1.1
    This MOD belongs to ( Industry + Truck station ) integrated MOD. Please find this MOD in the industrial list.
    1. MOD includes truck station. There are three freight platforms.
    (Path 1 , 2) cement mixer truck.
    (Path 3) unloading stone, slag.
    2. MOD Owned Industry:
    (Default) = materials X1 (Yield=60)
    Stone X1 + Slag X1 (input) = materials X2 (Yield=8000)
    Stone X2 (input) = materials X2 (Yield=8000)
    Slag X2 (input) = materials X2 (Yield=8000)


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  • ------------------------------------------

    Perhaps, I have to stop publishing mods in this forum.

    Just now, I received a private message from a forum user.

    Someone told me why all the mods I released must use Chinese. . . This disturbed this forum. . .
    Ok. . If you look closely, my mod contains in Chinese, English, German (sometimes I will try to use Russian).

    I have traveled to many countries and have experienced the railways and scenery of various countries. The railways in each country are very interesting.
    Therefore, when I made MODs, I tried to integrate the vehicles and scenes from different regions to let the players in more regions experience the fun of MOD.. Is it wrong?

    Maybe I really didn't pay attention to the language rules of the forum. . I am currently learning my third language: German. I am still very unskilled. . If the forum stipulates that only German can be used, ok. I have to give up release MOD on this websit.

    TPF game is originally fun, Making different MODs is to share more joy of the game. If it is because of language requirements that restrict the communication and learning of MOD authors in different countries, it is really terrible.

    I'm tired. If all the posts and mods I posted previously violate the forum's language usage restrictions, ask the administrator to remove all my mods and posts. And log out of my user ID. thanks.


    (Edit by eis_os: Image removed, don't post private message contents!)

  • Perhaps the Person who wrote you is wrong in this Forum cause there is also a Big Community from France Hungary Austria and Swiss. In my opinion admins should Ban the User who wrote you this Shit

  • Well, I am Chinese, I speak and write both well in English and French, which are both allowed languages in this forum, but I don't understand German at all, I can guess some, I have German friends over internet since 15 years ago when even I was a high school student and I tried to learn German at that time even for my first two years of university, but I really doesn't understand German in general sense, I can only guess some words based on phonetic relation with English words.

    I often receive messages written in German, both in private and public. I don't understand why, some people by default thinks everyone should speak German.

    The domain name of this forum is transportfever.net, NOT transportfever.de, I don't know why lot's of guys here doesn't pay to this attention and hold the respect to other for this fact. Ironically this the official community of Tpf to the world.

    This guy is too lazy to create a signature. 8o

  • I don't see any Problems about your language. According to Point 1 of the Forum rules, you can write in German, in English or in other languages, if you include a Translation inio English or German.
    Forum rules

    The common language in this forum is German. Alternatively, you can also write in English. Topics or contributions can also be written in another language, but in the case of mixed-language topics, a translation into German or English should be included.
    Posts in the forum are non-volatile and should be understandable. Therefore, keep to the respective spelling in your contributions and comments. In particular, do not renounce dots and commas or upper and lower case out of laziness, etc. You can rework posts to fix bugs. You can find more information about spellcheckers here.

    As your posts and mods do not violate the rules in my opinion, i think, that the messages are being written by someone, who does not know the rules but tries to Insult you and to chase you away from this forum.

  • If it is a private letter sent to me by ordinary players, I can smile and ignore it. Because everyone has their own understanding and perception of things. There is no need to tangled.

    But the one who sent me this private message is another MOD author on the forum. I also subscribed and praised his mod. So I was shocked.
    It's normal to make more mods for your country and region, but it's unacceptable to attack other MOD authors.

    I replied to his message and told him that my mod is in multiple languages.
    It is for the convenience of players in different countries and regions to read and use. But the response I received was still full of arrogance.

    So I feel angry.
    In addition, I collected 1:87 train model and made a 1:87 ratio sand table. The TPF game gave me a lot of inspiration for the sand table. So I am also willing to make more scene mods for TPF and share them.

    In October of this year, I am going to use the public holiday to travel to Hamburg, Germany to visit the world's largest miniature sand table museum. I hope to have a good travel experience.


  • Maybe I really didn't pay attention to the language rules of the forum.

    since the forum Rules tell this:
    and I

    The common language in this forum is German. Alternatively, you can also write in English. Topics or contributions can also be written in another language, but in the case of mixed-language topics, a translation into German or English should be included.

    and I can't remember one single time you didn't also give an English translation, everything should be alright.

    Also those
    don't disturb in my opinion and if you made so many things wrong, someone of the team surely had told you this already.

    In my opinion you are a great Modder and a great member of this Community.

    This translation thing is of course not approved by an administrator, but since the forum rules tell very clear which languages to use, in my opinion you didn't make anything wrong and that is why it would be so sad if you would leave the Forum only with this reason.
    Sorry if my English is not 100% correct, I hope everything is understandable...


    Edit: oops, I think I came too late...

    It's normal to make more mods for your country and region, but it's unacceptable to attack other MOD authors.

    I totally agree with you in this point, this really is unacceptable. Mod authors should help each other and don't be rude, since it's everyones free time when he/she creates mods.
    You're creating amazing mods, and I love using them, I'd be so sad If you would leave this community and so would be many others. Please don't listen to one single person who doesn't reflect the opinion of all the others

    Meine Projekte und ausführliche Modding-Berichte hier im Forum:

    Feluno bastelt

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Feluno ()

  • Hey @hugedragonyk,

    sorry to hear that you have been insulted. Please be assured: the message you have received does only reflect the opinion of a single person, a bad opinion if you ask me.

    Keep up your incredible work, without your mods there would be missing a big part within tpf.

    If you feel too bad about the message, perhaps ask some of the admins here for help, they all do an incredible job to moderate the forums.

  • If it is a private letter sent to me by ordinary players, I can smile and ignore it. Because everyone has their own understanding and perception of things. There is no need to tangled.

    But the one who sent me this private message is another MOD author on the forum. I also subscribed and praised his mod. So I was shocked.
    It's normal to make more mods for your country and region, but it's unacceptable to attack other MOD authors.

    I would f**k him back, no tolerance, in Chinese way, like this: 凸(-_-メ)

    This guy is too lazy to create a signature. 8o
