Mission "Top of Europe" erstellen: Mithilfe erwünscht

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • Ich bezog mich eher auf die Idee des Threads Erstellers, da ich mich dank seiner Vorarbeit aufs Coden beschränken könnte. Außerdem ist eine 1:1 Map meiner Meinung nach sehr viel interessanter, da sie reale Trassierungen und Entfernungen enthält.

    Btw, "Keine Ahnung" zählt nicht, jeder kann alles lernen was er möchte, Transport fever modden ist weit von Magie entfernt und es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen :)

    Schau einfach wie existierende Mods realisiert sind und fange klein an. :thumbsup:

    Edit: @songmaker um deine Frage zu beantworten: deine Idee finde ich auch interessant, zudem ist es technisch möglich. Gerade das mit dem Vulkan hat was. Bleib bitte dran, stöber einfach mal wie man Karten erstellt. Das mit dem qualmenden Vulkan dürfte ziemlich einfach sein, die Industrien qualmen ja auch :)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von snowball ()

  • Sounds nice @snowball, I also wrote some weeks ago, but never heard back something.
    I now started to create my own map ("Berner Oberland" / "Bernese Oberland"), a bit bigger than this area so its size is not a 1:1 to the real world. (just published yesterday on steam workshop). Its huge and has a lot of towns. (maybe too much :) )

    It was a lot of work still, to make the heightmap, placing the cities and industries (because the tools are buggy or it doesn't work nicely with the heights (I used 4000 to make it look more real including some snow up there).
    However it helped me to get a bit into it how to make such maps.

    So I will have less time in December than now, but I would be still interested in joining a team to make something.

    I liked the "Gotthard" Mission how this was building the tunnel when you took away stones, in the Jungfrau region there might be similar possibilties with the Jungfraubahn through the Eiger, but probably not with trains (rather tram), because trains can't be built steep.

    I am wondering if there is not a possibility to make trains also work in more steep scenarios, but could not found any mod yet.

  • The maximum slopes are hard coded, impossible to change by mods. Though, even rack track trains don't have a slope greater than those allowed by the game.

    When you think of the existing scenarios you'll notice that every industry and also city plays a role throughout the mission. That is a keynote of good story telling. Don't overwhelm the players with a huge, confusing thing... Guide them into your map or region, make it as clear as possible.

    I think making a scenario doesn't start with a map, not even a great one like yours. It starts with an idea for a story, like @'soundmaker' had. Everything else is just work.

  • Maximum slope: Oh too bad, maybe the devs will change this at some point. Or give us new and more mountain train stuff, lets hope :D

    Sure you are completely right, I just wanted to get my hands dirty and see what I can do. So now I have at least a better picture about the things it needs.
