Cockpit Camera Orientation Wrong

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  • Hello again folks !

    Its been a long time I didnt post anything. Now after all this time I be able to create mod and its working fine in Tpf, so I would like to say thanks first to the people who helped me out before. And now I have another problem, just like the title say. The camera orientation is wrong like this

    the bus is correct
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    but when I enter the cockpit the camera orientation is wrong

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    I already do some experiment with the .mdl file but it still like that. Is it because the orientation of mesh or something else ?
    here the .mdl file of the bus

    I hope theres a way to fix this problem.

    Thanks before

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Ibnu Rashyd ()

  • Yes, i've just checked that and not all of them "0". Maybe because I working with 3ds max and I export it to blender. So if it not "0" the camera still in wrong orientation ?

    I found how to fix it. I just need to put the all "0" orientation mesh to the top of the lod in .mdl file, and it change the orientation to correct position.

    Thank you very much MaikC!

    AdminEdit: Vollzitat entfernt, siehe Forenregeln.
    Mfg Sebastian

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Ibnu Rashyd ()

  • You can fix the incorrect orientation. Just import the mesh, turn it, into the right rotations/scale and before you but them into the model/lod you have to press strg+a --> "apply rotation and scale".

    If you have not set the model/lods to Zero in all rotations may bad things happen :D TPF don't like that.

  • to be honest I dont know that trick, i really new with the blender. It really great for me to know this one, before that I must rotate in 3dsmax and then rotate it in blender again :/

    Many thanks MaikC hahaha ^^

    AdminEdit: Vollzitat entfernt, siehe Forenregeln.
    Mfg Sebastian
