Where are the Hobos? And we need more military train cars!

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  • Hey everyone...

    Did the Europeans experience the occurrence of a Hobo riding the rails? You must have. What were (are) they called? The Hobo is a classic part of American railroad history.

    What some creative person needs to do is create a rail car which would have a few hobos standing in the doorway of a freight car...or riding the top of a freight car...or riding a flat car...or whatever. And then...let's not forget...we would then need a "Hobo Camp" to place along the rails.

    And I like the recent mod of a Leopard tank on a flat car!. Someone should add other flat cars of other military vehicles, like the Humvee, etc. That way we can have a more diverse and impressive Military train.

    Just ideas...


  • @Heinekn

    What some creative person needs to do

    No one has to do anything. You may propose something, that you miss, but nobody is forced to mod it.

    For this request area, we have some guidelines:
    Rules for requesting mods for Transport Fever

    Please add the required informations, "Hobo Camp" is not very specific.

  • Hey Yoshi...

    Maybe you misunderstand me...or my words and meanings were lost in the translation.

    I would never claim someone HAS to do anything. I was only doing what this forum's heading indicates...requesting a mod. And that's all I meant, of course.

    Sorry for the misunderstanding.



    And let me describe the American picturesque view of a "Hobo Camp".

    Here is a link to a model railroading piece which fits so well the American image or remembrances of the Hobo World. The images are so-well documented with historical photos of the hobo...not to even mention the portrayal of hobos in the early American Film Industry.

    Anyway...the link below is a good rendition of what a Hobo Camp is romantically remembered as. The classic image would include of Hobos sitting and standing around what might be a burning barrel...or campfire.

    Hobo Camp Model RR prop

    Concerning my suggestion of a Freight Car, or flat car, the image would be Hobos standing in the doorway....or sitting on the edge or a car...or riding the top of a freight car. All hitching a ride on the railway during the Depression era.

    Thanks for listening.



    Some images of the Hobo:





    Edit by Yoshi: Merged triple post. Please read the forum rules. You may edit your old post to attach more content instead of adding new posts.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Yoshi ()

  • Hey...

    I was thinking thjat the addition of a hobo-type landscape item, like the camp, or the addition of hobos on a train car would add a little interest...and fun. Just as someone would add a Space Needle to their map...for interest. I am sure you have seen the elaborate hobby-train setups with the interesting things added to the landscape. No reason for their existing in the train world...but interesting to the observer none the less.

