[HELP] The problem of smoke setting [freight station properties].

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  • ----
    Tonight, debug the MTL file to the Fire Station and the Burning Building. [freight station properties].
    I add a smoke effect to the burning building, but it doesn't show in the game.
    I want to know..Does the smoke effect attribute conflict with the freight station?

    Burning buildings have completed the test, but just can't show the smoke effect. :S


    This is the smoke effect code I added. There should be no problem. ?(


    PS :

    There is also a problem, if in the MTL file, set the list under EVENTS. :|
    If you refer to a GROUP file with multiple animation combinations. And the number of settings is greater than one.
    like this :

    There are two possibilities.. One is that an animated object stops moving, and the other keeps moving. Or the game crashes.. I haven't found a solution yet... ||

  • ParticalSystem in mtl? maybe you need mdl file?

    I use this code for buildings and he is work

    About animation. maybe wrong Id.
