Game crashes on loading due to Lua Issue

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  • Hi
    When I now load the game I get a Lua error which I didn't before, It's not the first time I have played either. I was wondering if anyone knew if it was a mod issue. I have re installed the game and it still persists. However all the workshop items re installed.

    Lua Message as follows.

    File: res/construction/station/rail/passenger_1850_head(2).con

    res/construction/station/rail/passenger_1850_head(2).con:1: module 'constructionutil_curved' not found: and so on.

    Would any of you guys know how to deal with this issue?

    Many thanks

  • Is there a file without the (2) in the same folder?

    stdout.txt is the file where the game logs informations and crash details.
    You can find it:
    <Drive>\<... Steam-Directory...>\userdata\<userid>\446800\local\crash_dump\

    Sorry for the late reply, I deleted the files with (2) in and the game works fine now. Thanks for the help :D

  • Is there a file without the (2) in the same folder?

    stdout.txt is the file where the game logs informations and crash details.
    You can find it:
    <Drive>\<... Steam-Directory...>\userdata\<userid>\446800\local\crash_dump\

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Yoshi ()

  • Jep. which did you install?

    Did you remove files or did you deactivate the mod ingame?

    I installed ICE1 and the ICE1 converter, then the TF - TPF mod converter then Traxx 2 and 189 private

    I removed the files from the res/construction/depot path only, I couldn't find it in game.

  • Removal of files won't solve this problem. Can you make a screenshot of your ingame mod managers list of activated mods? (You can sort the table that the activated ones are shown on top.)

    btw. you don't have to do full quotes everytime (read the forum rules ;) )
