Distance measurements?

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  • I love this game. It's one of the best games I have ever played, I pre-purchased it as soon as I knew about its existence and is about to become my most played game on Steam with over 300 hours. However, there is something that currently bugs me a bit, and it's the lack of ways to measure the distance between two points, or the length of tracks and roads. I'm currently building a high speed line and I would like to place the signals with more precision than just placing them in a random spot of the track. I want to place one signal every X amount of meters, depending on the length of the track section between stations. However, the game does not let you know the distance between two stations, two signals or two points. It simply doesn't let you know any other distance than the length of the stations and trains.

    There is a "solution" on the Steam Workshop, but it's very infuriating to use and is not very precise either.

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://i.gyazo.com/a77cf125716bf859950d8212d5ffb7e3.png]

    Each of these rulers equals -supposedly- 100 meters. To get a rough number, I have to place them all over the line -which gets really annoying on bridges or tunnels-, count them and calculate. I'm pretty sure you guys can create something much more accurate and easier to use than this.

  • Well, I suppose this would be easy to make, if one were to take the traditional route and simply create an array of objects in different lengths, with which to measure.
    But I feel like a scriptkiddy could come up with a better solution to simply measure between two points. Perhaps that would be more helpful.
    Of course none of these solutions provide any help for curves. Attempting to measure those in any useful way just sounds like a headache to me :S

    Lg, YstlDystl

  • For such distance measuring, after building the track itself, I create a temporary line between the two stations which are connected by the track. Then I build a dummy train with different wagons with the more or less exact length in meters and use as "measurement" train. After placing the first signal I let the train drive until the last wagon is passing it. I stop the train and place the next signal in front of it. I set the train to continue until the last wagon now passes that signal..... I think you get the idea.

  • It's not very good at handling short distance. We need something that can handle the short distances better. I just built this terminal track, the question is how long is the red segment? Exactly? I would like the Meter/foot lenght too show up with the green check and red X just before you lay the track.
    It not a must have. But it would get rid of one more little nuisance this game has.

  • Could we add track/road elevation to this as well? I absolutely love the game but trying to eyeball where two or more paths need to pass above/below or join can be maddening.

    I really enjoy Colonel Cams type shots where you have a lot of vehicle action happening in a limited space. So I tend to pass a lot of opposing traffic in a relatively small area.

    I'd love to not only be able to gauge my track lengths, but also be able to accurately asses minimum clearance and tolerances.

    Another part of the equation would be that once you have track/roadway elevation guides, we could then use that guide to set a starting elevation and begin the build in midair.
