Configuration Error--game CTD

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  • Hey everyone...

    I have no idea what I have done or the offending mod causing this error. I know it's a sin to be installing so many mods at one sitting, but here is proof of the errors you might encounter when you DO install too many mods at one session...trying to troubleshoot errors that happen are hard to debug.

    The error Window is:

    Configuration error
    File: res/config/sound_set/Alaska.lua
    Key: tracks
    Required key not found
    This error is usually caused by modding. Some game resources contain semantically

    Anyway...thinking the Alaska train mod was the issue...I uninstalled and re-installed the mod. No luck.
    I checked and there is a Alaska.lua file where it should be.
    I have no idea what the "tracks" refers to.
    This error happens when I start a new Free Game or try to load a saved game.

    I looked inside the "Alaska.lua" file and see there is only something there about the horn. No references to anything like "tracks".

    Any ideas?



  • Hello...

    I deleted two files which were installed by the mod ARR_1.11.rar download...that is the Alaska train set mod.

    The two files were: "alaska.lua" and "emd_pf7.lua".

    Tested...Everything loaded as the game should...all mods enabled. Thew Alaska engine sets appear OK as well.

    Attached is that text file, if you wanted to look at it.

    Thanks for your response...appreciated.



    • stdout.txt

      (71,93 kB, 456 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )