Looking for a converter :)

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  • Hello!

    I am looking for someone that can help me with the conversion of a lot of models :) I have a lot of models from the game Trainz!
    They are all game ready and i only need help converting them! The models will later of course be shared on the workshop :)

    Here's some of the models i have!

    I have a lot more of passenger and goods wagons too :)


    AdminEdit: Bilder in Links umgewandelt. Bilder können auch direkt im Beitrag hochgeladen werden.
    Mfg Sebastian

  • Hello Jacob!

    Did you build them yourself? They look really nice!
    ...well, too nice, actually. Most likely, the meshes are too detailed for Transport Fever and would bog down the already lackluster performance.
    This is the reason, why many mods need to be built from scratch. But I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try - all you need to do is load your wagons up in Blender and export the meshes using Merk's fantastic exporter.
    Obviously then there is a bit of scripting to do, but most of that is already done by the exporter and the rest is fairly easy. Also, you can just reverse engineer the original TPF wagon files to fit your needs - something many modders do here.

    Lg, YstlDystl

  • Hello :)

    No i haven't made them myself but they work in game trust me :)
    The creator allows me to convert these models :) Sadly i could never do this myself :P
    I don't really have the "intelligence" to ever do something like this! Even if it's fairly simple!

    That's why i am requesting one :p

